It’s fine, the internet will internet. Unless someone tells me what I’ve done wrong, I’m just gonna assume one downvote gave it the initial velocity for more downvotes. Trying to understand it beyond that will make you go crazy.
It’s fine, the internet will internet. Unless someone tells me what I’ve done wrong, I’m just gonna assume one downvote gave it the initial velocity for more downvotes. Trying to understand it beyond that will make you go crazy.
Spaghetti makes the most beautiful swirls.
Bruh, I’m just here for the memes. But I can start commenting on political stuff more to even out my instance’s biases if that would help. Honestly haven’t paid much attention to which trolls were from where, but I’ll take your word for it…
Definitely sending mixed signals not mentioning her boyfriend and saying she has to do things alone, but not sure how that qualifies as “using”. Hiking isn’t really something people “use” others for, it’s not like he would have been carring her the whole time. If she was getting him to do her job when he was talking to her then yeah, but this doesn’t mention anything like that. She could very well have just wanted a friend to talk to at work and didn’t know how to bring it up after a while…
Maybe I’m overthinking this…
Thanks, I almost forgot to shave 15% of my neck today!
May 16th 2011… Pretty sure this is an April fools joke, and like everything in government it was a month and a half late.
I thought it meant August 31st would be the second day and they would have already started painting the day before…
I’m pretty sure pornhub already leaked a video titled “Lenny sucking a goat”…
Why do they need a patent for this? How would this not conflict with just tv remotes? Like it’s not a bad feature, but blocking anyone else from having a rewind button without paying them seems like an overstep for such a basic addition.
I knew I should’ve talked to HR when I was told to “load her up” by my boss!
Yeah, you’ve probably grown accustomed to most memes using high fructose corn syrup which is clear and easier to hide.
Yeah, reads more like a wikipedia article than a news article, like someone took several sources and told ai to combine the info. Facts are great, but they don’t make for a captivating read on their own. There’s a sweet spot for opinion/reflection without too much bias that makes news sources worth reading.
Yeah, it’s been banned in New Jersey for the last couple years. It was a cool overnight shift and it’s just second nature to just leave reusable bags in my car now for when I need them.
The fabled MegaSD card
Anon should’ve asked them for a doggie bag so he could take it home to eat later.
Kids vote for other kids, and if it’s anything like student council it’s not really about ability. More Trump means less reading assignments…
SATs and Pre-SATs (just practice SATs) are optional and not part of the curriculum (literally run by a private, albeit non-profit, company). While it’s not required you take it, good luck getting into college without an SAT score, and most high-schools have dates you can pay/register and come in to take the test.
Plus, even if it went through Starlink’s network you’d think the results would have been cryptographically signed like all https transactions are. How would they have managed to modify the results without the private key? I really don’t want to stoop to the election denying level based on one guy’s armchair speculation. Absolutely voting machines should have security audits from third parties, but to my knowledge that already happens, and the only thing making him doubt is that the results don’t sound real to him (which is more of a sign that like me, he’s probably living in a bubble)