I always felt drawn back to G-Maps until a few months ago when a friend recommended this app. Organic Maps is gorgeous!
I always felt drawn back to G-Maps until a few months ago when a friend recommended this app. Organic Maps is gorgeous!
Get your self a index manager. https://prowlarr.com/
I dowload my flacs via soulseekqt. sadly torrent is not cool for music anymore…
Nooo not the alpacas🫣
I switched from streaming back to my old ipod. Moding this old player was one of the best decisions in my career as music listner. The best thing about it is that my phone can run low on battery but i am still able to listen to chumbawamba.
Decentrelize your hardware!
Don’t want to destroy your view on this world, but you need to know the truth. Cats don’t lay eggs.
Most fucked up shit that crosst my world will be the water wars. Pure horrer is just around the corner, yey!
You are all wrong! It was always about manicure!
Americans will use anything but the metric system.
Du Warmduscher.
I know that this has nothing to do with the topic, but the data center in this picture looks like a synthesizer.