Saw it last night and not sure how I feel. There’s great stuff in here, some good stuff and some mediocre stuff. Overall I think I enjoyed it, but I think my criticisms can be summed up by:
When de-aging actors, more care should be put into matching their voice to their age. The de-aged Indy sounded ancient!
Chase sequences were far too long. I know that’s a weird complain in an Indiana Jones film, but the reason for that is…
Overreliance on CGI. There’s a chase sequence with some tuk-tuks in Tangier which drags on for quite a while. Despite spectacular things happening, the clear CGI renders them mundane and makes the chase feel fake. They could’ve cut down the length and scale of the chase, filmed it practically with stunt doubles and sets and it would’ve been brilliant.
Never ever, under any circumstances, should you underuse Antonio Banderas.
I haven’t rewatched Crystal Skull in about a decade, so I don’t know where I rank it overall, but it’s not as good as Raiders, Temple or Crusade.
I knew Infinite would be shit when they started that whole thing about armour coatings and whatnot.
Customising your Spartan has been a key of the games for years. To slap that behind a paywall is (in my eyes) totally unforgivable.