Thanks for sharing - I’m in a 7a zone. I’ve just been using a kelp meal and targeting a 5.8pH for my lettuce but took the system down for cooler times as they all started bolting… I should have put them under some shade…
Thanks for sharing - I’m in a 7a zone. I’ve just been using a kelp meal and targeting a 5.8pH for my lettuce but took the system down for cooler times as they all started bolting… I should have put them under some shade…
So that’s all 1 system? What type of nutrients do you use? I’ve only dabbled with lettuce since nutrient concerns and timing of them are minimal.
If you’re growing fruiting plants when do you know to swap to bloom nutrients? Does that affect your lettuce since it’s all the same system? How many seasons have you been doing this?
Yes please tell us about your setup! I’ve been dabbling with growing butter lettuce in an NFT system.
I very recently lost my 11-bar gen1 leaf when I got rear-ended. It had 110k km on it and I really loved it. Once insurance made me the boy-out offer I Immediately went to check out the newer leaf expecting more of what I lost, and I’m sorry to say that I really really didn’t like the gen2 leaf. It was gutless and felt like the suspension was made of marshmallows… Yes it was bigger, but it lost all the magic the first gen had and became a floaty family sedan that happened to be electric.
I oped for a VW e-golf instead and it’s been amazing!!
I heard the rule of thumb with social media is 1/9/90. 1% are poster/content creators 9% are commenters 90% are lurkers
Just need to attract that 1% and the house of cards comes tumbling down.
This is a coffee grinder for anyone wondering…