• @ravhall
    1523 days ago

    Is false profit and Antichrist the same thing?

    • @Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
      1723 days ago

      Basically yes? Antichrist is pluralized in the Bible in places and thus is not necessarily one individual. The false Prophets are described similarly.

      Most of the pop culture picture of the Antichrist as a more singular entity is more like the Thessalonians “the man of sin”… Also known as the Man of Lawlessness, Apostasy, Insurrection, rebellion… One particularly agregious Antichrist that Jesus himself must come down and take out with a breath that exposes his naked wickedness to the worshipping masses who will realize that they are not among the saved. It’s sometimes interpreted that this kicks off the second coming but it doesn’t actually say that… It just says it happens sometime before the end of days which could mean it’s distinctly apart from and not feature of the revelation. Like some kind of Jesus warm up cameo.

      Really its kind of tempting to paint Trump and Evengelicals in that role. He wouldn’t be the first nasty to wrap himself up in an altar cloth.

      • @ravhall
        123 days ago

        Did you ever vote for Trump?

        • No, I was 16 in 2016 and already fucking hated him and I voted for Biden in 2020. Anyways I was making a joke about your misspelling, you wrote profit which has to do with economics rather than prophet which has to do with religious and supernatural shit.

          • @ravhall
            1123 days ago

            I… get the joke now. 🤦‍♂️

            • Hey its not the worst word to get mixed up. Theyre barsly distinct in my accent with only a slightly harder T in profit being the notable difference. But then again I say wader so perhaps I aint the most valid example.