What’d y’all think of the debate?

  • @squid_slime@lemm.ee
    187 days ago

    can you list a few lies in the debate from Harris? not that i don’t believe you. just haven’t followed her enough to scrutinize.

    • NeuromancerM
      -117 days ago

      Sure Donald Trump has filed bankruptcy six times. That’s false. Donald Trump had filed bankruptcy zero times. The fine people comment was false. She denied wanting to defund the police. She denied her stance on fracking. She was full of shit the whole night.

      Ironically I support her real stance on fracking. It’s an important issue to me. Fracking is a horrible practice that needs to stop

        • NeuromancerM
          -106 days ago

          Bankruptcy is a legal matter. Either a person files or they don’t.

          I also wouldn’t shame someone for filing.

          Much less would I shame a business person for filing against their business if needed.

          Sure Kamala has never filed a BK on a business but she’s never ran a business. She’s never created jobs.

          Dislike Trump all you want but has created thousands of jobs. Kamala zero.

          • @GBU_28@lemm.ee
            6 days ago

            The statement is true, per the specifications I allowed. I never indicated any value assessment as you focused on. That’s not the point

            Edit, to address the goalpost move: as a DA she certainly would have been in charge of staffing an office and had many humans in jobs. More than zero. So that’s not true

            • NeuromancerM
              -46 days ago

              She didn’t create those jobs. she didn’t run a p/l. The money didn’t come from her but from the state of California or the county depending on which job she did. The tax payers paid for those jobs.

              • @GBU_28@lemm.ee
                56 days ago

                Her office would have designated the need for positions and filled them. They would have had a budget and worked within it to staff.

                Another goalpost move on p/l.

                • NeuromancerM
                  -26 days ago

                  No goal post as been moved. She did not create jobs. She’s never run a business. She proudly proclaimed she’s always been on the government teat.

                  I prefer someone who actually creates jobs

                  • @GBU_28@lemm.ee
                    46 days ago

                    My original involvement was to fact check the bankruptcy claim, not discuss the value or issues with bankruptcy. The goal posts were moved to bring up Harris being a long time government employee. I spent replies discussing how.the differences are largely semantic, but that’s literally besides my original point, and you are free to have your opinion on government work, because it’s not what I’m here for anyway.

                    Trump, as leader of his businesses, DID file bankruptcies, as the article describes.

      • @squid_slime@lemm.ee
        97 days ago

        it came off to me that her opinion had changed on fracking, being a politician in America is not won through honesty. inverters must see you as profitable, money is in oil. i have heard Donaald has filed bankruptcy i had to make sure and looked it up i’d like to see your source on this.

        • NeuromancerM
          -17 days ago

          He has had companies filed bankruptcy. He has never filed. The two are not the same.

          If she had take the anti-fracking stance. I’d make me strongly consider my vote. Fracking taints the ground water. To me that’s just stupid.

          • @squid_slime@lemm.ee
            97 days ago

            For a politician to take the stance of anti fracking would be political suicide. Thanks to Republicans money is speech , its become an incestuous game.

            Would you say Harris’s lie is as bold as trumps? One is splitting hairs the other is a fairy tail that is made to create division.

            • NeuromancerM
              -17 days ago

              Not really; most Democrats would support a ban on fracking. At this point, never Trumpers would support the ban to stop Trump.

              While I strongly dislike Harris, having clean water is important to me. Once you have contaminated the ground water, you are left with few options.

              • @squid_slime@lemm.ee
                7 days ago

                I think your missing the point, we’re talking about Harris being a liar. And I am asking even though I don’t see her flip as a lie. But for the sake of of it we’ll say she’s lying. Is her lie as bold as trumps?

                Anyway CNN did a great job combing through the debate and fact checking here’s an article/video about it

                • NeuromancerM
                  -47 days ago

                  Trying to say which lie is more bold is a tad weird. A lie is a lie. Which lie do you think was more bold than Trump’s?

                  Kamala lied about US troops being in combat. THey still are. Isn’t that a pretty bold lie? We have people risking their lives and she is dismissing it?

                  • @squid_slime@lemm.ee
                    67 days ago

                    I don’t know too much about the troops in America, maybe they are all out or none or a few, statically incorrect I can forgive with margins of error.

                    Putting out facebook hit pieces strongly tide to polarisation I expect to hear from my boomer parents is ridiculous. This man is running to be the most powerful man in america and he can’t disseminate truth from fiction from such an incredibly flawed source. I wonder what kind of sourcing does he do in his day to day for the rest of his information.