This was a nice week for book reading. Don’t usually get this much time generally.

Finished The Last White Man by Mohsin Hamid. I didn’t like the writing style initially but got used to as I read along. It’s a small book, just a little more than 100 pages. An umm… interesting read.

Got my copy of The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England by Brandon Sanderson. Really liked the book. It was a fun, light book. There was much less action than I was expecting, after reading the announcement of the book, but that didn’t make book any less enjoyable. Finished the book in two days, which I rarely get to do now.

Grave Peril by Jim Butcher. Book 3 of Dresden Files. I have just started it, but it’s the same Dresden Files. Nothing to say about that.

What have you been reading?

  • @dresdenOPM
    111 months ago

    Hmm… I didn’t know people recommend not to start with Consider Phelbas. I read it, couldn’t get into it, and didn’t continue the series. Let me know if the series get better, would consider giving it another chance.

      211 months ago

      The series, from what I understand is only loosely connected as in it’s set in the same universe. The next couple in the series are supposed to be really good.

      • @dresdenOPM
        111 months ago

        Do share your feedback after reading them, will think about giving it another try then.