It’s got a bit to go. Checked yesterday , granted at whole foods, and their fake ground beef was $0.56 and ounce while there regular ground beef was $0.38 per ounce . Both were the same 365 in store brand.
The cheapest fake ground beef cost about the same as the premium bison ground beef.
Ground beef has been creeping up too, I’m honestly curious at what point does Beyond / “Impossible” brands start breaking even.
They’re also relatively healthier, so if you include that “cost”…
Shoprite by me is $4.50/lb for meat, $7.99/lbs for beyond
It’s got a bit to go. Checked yesterday , granted at whole foods, and their fake ground beef was $0.56 and ounce while there regular ground beef was $0.38 per ounce . Both were the same 365 in store brand.
The cheapest fake ground beef cost about the same as the premium bison ground beef.