Let’s have a two-week contest for a new community banner!

The current banner on this community is a photo I took. I want to open it up to community members to submit a photo. You can put your logo in the corner or a link to your site.

You can vote to keep the current one; however, I’d love to rotate the community one monthly with a monthly contest.

Submit your photos to this thread. The photo with the most votes will be made the banner.

The content ends at the end of this month. The winner will be made the banner for September. Mid-September, we’ll start the contest for October, etc.

  • @kenvald
    10 months ago

    This sounds fun! I don’t really have a great camera but maybe I can find something from a past trip.

    Also, I believe you mixed up the months at the end of the post?

    • jgrim of SublinksOPMA
      210 months ago

      You are correct! I fixed it. I made the original post quickly on mobile. I rarely proofread. Thanks!

    • @kenvald
      210 months ago

      My submission of the Grand Canyon. I can share a cropped square if you need it. Picture of the Grand Canyon