A West Virginia couple, Jeanne Kay Whitefeather and Donald Lantz, received prison sentences of 215 and 160 years, respectively, for forcing their five adopted Black children into slave labor.
Authorities discovered the abuse after a welfare check revealed children locked in a shed without water or sanitation.
The couple, charged with human trafficking, child neglect, and forced labor, targeted the children because of their race.
The court ordered them to pay $280,000 in restitution each.
Yes, we need a few of these. There are 759 billionaires in the USA. That would easily wear one out and break it.
I say, the duller the blade, the better. Maybe it’ll take a few hacks to really get those heads rolling. Who cares? A few minutes of pain is nothing compared to the thousands of lives they’ve walked all over
I do. If I was in favor of casual and unnecessary suffering I’d be a hypocrite for guillitong people over their lax attitudes towards casual and unnecessary suffering. I don’t believe in “it’s ok when we do it”. I don’t want to live in a society where it’s considered acceptable.
Nearly Headless Billionaire