Can anyone else upload photos anymore? I haven’t been able to do so in days. Is it an error with imagemagick? I keep getting some error that flashes briefly about exceeding maximum dimensions, but I used to upload just fine. Weird. Just asking, since I can’t seem to post photos at all anwhere on I can try on another instance, just to see what’s going on…

  • @biffnixOPM
    110 months ago

    Okay, trying to reply with image…

    • @biffnixOPM
      110 months ago

      Hmm. I tried “Reply” -ing to this message with another image link, but it fails. I just get the spinning icon for a few seconds, then nothing…

      • jgrim of SublinksMA
        310 months ago

        I’ll see if I can find anything in the logs. They’re very noisy so It might be difficult. Any details or a copy of the image will help. I’m assuming it’s either resolution limits or file size.

        • @biffnixOPM
          110 months ago

          Okay, just sent the sample image that isn’t working (it’s not the only one that isn’t working, but it for sure is the one failing every time).

          • jgrim of SublinksMA
            110 months ago

            I’m seeing the error

            {“data”:{“msg”:“Exceeded maximum dimensions”,“files”:null},“state”:“success”}

            Let me see what these are currently set to. I’d recommend you reduce the resolution of the image and try again.

            This also pops up when trying on the site. You may not see it in the bottom corner.