Let’s have a two-week contest for a new community banner!

The current banner on this community is a photo I took. I want to open it up to community members to submit a photo. You can put your logo in the corner or a link to your site.

You can vote to keep the current one; however, I’d love to rotate the community one monthly with a monthly contest.

Submit your photos to this thread. The photo with the most votes will be made the banner.

The content ends at the end of this month. The winner will be made the banner for September. Mid-September, we’ll start the contest for October, etc.

  • @biffnixM
    210 months ago

    I can’t seem to upload this particular image. Not sure why, since it’s within the limits of photo uploads, but anywhere, here’s the imgur link to the image:

    Parker Lake, 8/14/2023. Sunrise over the lake, a bit blustery…


      • @biffnixM
        210 months ago

        Nope - can’t upload via Memmy on iOS or from my MBpro via Firefox.

        • jgrim of SublinksOPMA
          210 months ago

          I’ll look more in to it later to see if I can debut the service. I have your image to try myself. I’ll let you know when I get it working.