A day late, but better late than never!

I finished Grave Peril, third book of Dresden Files, by Jim Butcher. The series has start picking up. This book is much higher quality than the first two.

Currently, I am reading two books.

  • The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll. I have been using bullet journal for nearly a decade, but never got around to reading the book, so finally got it. While there’s nothing new in the method, the “why” are interesting, and should help me be more productive.

  • Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. Man, what a book. I think this is one of the best book I have read recently. I am more than half-way, and loving every moment of it.

What about all of you? What have you been reading?

    • @exuberantlime@lemmy.ml
      210 months ago

      I’m listening to the Andy Serkis audiobook right now. I agree the first bit is a slog but really enjoying it once Feanor and events get going.

    • @dresdenOPM
      110 months ago

      I have tried reading it twice. First time, I started without knowing anything about it, and thought it might be something like Lord of Things or The Hobbit. Gave up very quickly.

      Second time I read it knowing what it was, but I got so confused by the names. Fahir Faihr, Faher, I dunno, so many similar names. Gave up, confused. I liked it other than that though. So, have been thinking about reading it while making a big family / relation tree alongside it, so that I can figure out who is who and how they are related to each other.

      • @tochee@aussie.zone
        210 months ago

        Yeah I bounced off it the first time, then I tried taking notes while reading it and enjoyed it much more.

        • @dresdenOPM
          110 months ago

          Ah, so my idea is a correct one! Would give it another try sometime.