Remember kids, Tankies wants to undermine democracy - same as facists.

      1511 months ago

      I mentioned the time hexbear’s admin called the (trans) admin of (the trans instance) “transphobic” in another thread once. Some hexbear dipshit then “named and shamed” me as a transphobe.

      They’re loud, obnoxious idiots – nothing more.

        411 months ago

        DroneRights (me) was banned for saying gender neutral pronouns exist. Because Hexbear thinks gender neutral pronouns are transphobic.

            11 months ago

            Removed Comment “They” is a non gendering pronoun. If you use they/them, you’ll never misgender anyone, but you’ll also never gender anyone correctly either. Some people are okay with not being gendered and some people aren’t. You should respect their wishes once you’ve heard them, but I don’t believe you have any obligation to check them in advance.
            by DroneRights [it/its] reason: enbyphobia

            This is pretty unambiguously a log of me saying gender neutral pronouns exist and the admins taking issue with that.

        111 months ago

        As for the pictures you have of me on Blahaj, they are perfectly accurate summaries of my views on Ada. Yes, you are 100% correct that Ada banned me for daring to disagree with her and to call out her transphobic behaviour.

        As for Hexbear you are 100% incorrect about my views. I do not they/them anyone I know to have a different pronoun preference, and indeed you’ve taken a screenshot of me saying that you can’t gender someone correctly with they/them. You will find many instances of me referring to people with their chosen pronouns on ! . Your misrepresentation of my views is slander, entirely unbased in fact and directly contradicted by the evidence that you yourself provided. If you are not lying on purpose, then I have the deepest sympathies for the teacher who tried to teach you reading comprehension.