Current Construction Projects:
- Finish Drywall/sand/paint and install trim to office Door
- Kids tree-house base/floor
- Main bedroom bath exhaust fan install
- Kitchen Range exhaust fan/vent install
- Build out fire walls for server room
- Finish Fiber pull to server rack and Terminate *new since now I remember I still need to do this too
Current hardware projects:
- Kids custom 3d printed TLK keyboards
- Micro cluster rack mount design
- Micro cluster storage solution
- De-com old server, ship to Xydros
- Move racks to server room
- Rebuild rack layout
- Add UPS to wireless/nvr/camera equipment
Software Projects:
- OPNsense/PFsense update
- Pihole for DNS
- Degoogle storage
- Degoogle photos
- Degoogle calendar
- 3-2-1 bakup solution
Designing, and 3d printing.

Its based on 3 1L PC’s with 2.5gb and dual 10g networking. I am still working on the storage solution as having SATA cables extending out the back is not working well, and I dont love relying on USB. I just ordered some backplanes for the 11.11 sale on Aliexpress in hopes that I can build a custom disk enclosure. Ideally I would take 4 PCIe lanes out on a mini SAS HD SFF-8639 and plug that right into the external enclosure and simply provide power and cooling at that point.
With these 3 little low power servers I hope to be able to run a small cluster that can be powered for hours off UPS enabling me to get my family off Apple, Amazon, and Google.
Wow, that’s awesome. Are you planning to share your plans on printables or similar?
Yes, just need life to stop kicking my ass so I can focus on it again in my spare time.