As Israeli forces have moved further into southern Gaza, airstrikes and close-combat fighting are approaching areas crowded with more than a million people seeking refuge from the destruction across the rest of the territory.

The prospect of major operations taking place in territory with such a dense and vulnerable population is “deeply concerning”, say aid officials, who fear Gaza’s largest remaining hospital may have to be closed or evacuated.

Witnesses reported the sound of ground combat and explosions throughout Friday in western Khan Younis, the main city in the south of Gaza, where Israel says many members and leaders of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas are hiding.


  • IninewCrow
    15 months ago

    An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth leaves a world full of blind toothless people

    • BaroqueInMind
      5 months ago

      Good. Then the entire world could unite with a common disability, and build utopian global accessibility systems that would benefit future generations of people who are born blind or have disabilities and provide actual equity for people born less privileged.