I’m considering doing online therapy; however, I’ve never done therapy before.

Would you recommend in-person only, or is online okay? My instance offers some online resources called Teledoc.

I hear it cannot be easy to find someone you like and trust. It seems like the pool of people online is a lot greater than local to me.

  • @faux2pasOP
    11 year ago

    Why do they prefer in-person? Did they say?

    • @lazyguruMA
      21 year ago

      They prefer the personal connection you can build in-person. Also, one of them mentioned the lack of ability for the counselor to be able to read body language in a video call as well as they could in-person

      • @faux2pasOP
        211 months ago

        That’s good to know. I’ll show more of my body when talking and see if they do the same. I don’t have an issue connecting with people over the internet and almost prefer it.