A day late, but better late than never!

Finished Proven Guilty by Jim Butcher. Book 8 of Dresden Files. Loving how the series is progressing. How the characters are growing, and how the stakes keep getting higher and higher.

Currently Reading Cytonic by Brandon Sanderson. Book 3 of Cytoverse / Skyward series. It continues from after Book 2, and we haven’t come across the events of the novellas yet. I am interested to see how they will cover those.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening lately?

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  • @dresdenOPM
    19 days ago

    There’s a fourth? Isn’t it a trilogy?

    • @LordGennai@lemm.ee
      18 days ago

      Ha kind of? There’s another book in the series written by a different author as a fanfic I believe that was “blessed” by the actual author and published as a 4th book.