Bazzite comes ready to rock with Steam and Lutris pre-installed, HDR support, BORE CPU scheduler for smooth and responsive gameplay, and numerous community-developed tools for your gaming needs.

  • @poki
    3 days ago


    Btw, was I correct on the following?

    I assume this is based on an experience with Kinoite? Am I right?

      3 days ago

      Yeah, I had that at the beginning, then added to my fstab

      # enable sddm and therefore good themes
      /var/sddm /usr/share/sddm none rbind 0 0

      and then it works, kludgy, but sddm is apparently working on allowing themes in /etc, sometime soon.

      • @poki
        3 days ago

        Thanks for pointing that out!

        Bazzite also includes an entry in their documentation in which they explain how theming on Bazzite works exactly.

    • No. I know that installing a GTK theme requires putting the files in /usr/share/themes that is not in /home. That’s why I said it. As an advanced user I love customization and freedom so immutable distros are a no go for me (and for many people imo). I didn’t even bother trying.

      • @poki
        3 days ago

        FWIW, by creating your own images (through BlueBuild or tooling offered by uBlue) you could bake themes directly into those folders.

        However, I totally understand why you’d not feel compelled to do as such 😅. Especially if your current distro/system works splendidly.

        Sometimes, placing it to ~/.local/share/themes works as well*.

          12 days ago

          Thank you for sharing those links, I have been struggling with making rpm-ostree compose go from a yaml to an ISO, these look like they might reduce the level of effort!

          • @poki
            21 day ago

            You’re welcome!

            FWIW, last year, through what became BlueBuild eventually, I had my own image with all kinds of modifications within a weekend. And, perhaps most curiously, I was a total noob when it comes to containerfiles, github, git etcetera. So, if I somehow managed, then you should definitely be fine.

            Wish ya good luck! Consider reporting back 😉.

              21 day ago

              Sounds like you ramped up pretty quickly! Were you pretty familiar with the terminal beforehand or just jumping in?

              I’m chronically unable to finish projects but with such a fantastic tool maybe this one is the one? I’ll try follow up if get something going.

              • @poki
                1 day ago

                Were you pretty familiar with the terminal beforehand or just jumping in?

                Yes, I did have some familiarity with the terminal.

                I’m chronically unable to finish projects but with such a fantastic tool maybe this one is the one?

                I hope it will work out for ya!

                I’ll try follow up if get something going.

                Thank you for your consideration 😊!

        • However, I totally understand why you’d not feel compelled to do as such 😅. Especially if your current distro/system works splendidly.


          Sometimes, placing it to ~/.local/share/themes works as well*.

          Ehh I prefer system-wide installation. I think it’s a habit from times when installing an Android app with root (so the OS treats it as a system app) increased its performance.

          • @poki
            13 days ago

            Ehh I prefer system-wide installation.


            I think it’s a habit from times when installing an Android app with root (so the OS treats it as a system app) increased its performance.

            Interesting. Didn’t know this was a thing.

        33 days ago

        Yeah, I had that at the beginning, then added to my fstab

        #enable sddm and therefore good themes
        /var/sddm /usr/share/sddm none rbind 0 0

        and KDE themes with sddm components install fine now (most themes install fine into /home, does Gnome really not have per user themes?)

        Essentially you can tactically make things mutable as needed, use sparingly, but maybe not even trying lessens your opinion, no?

          3 days ago

          Why would I use a system that isn’t supposed to change if I want to change it? It’s just not for me and I don’t want to waste my time reinstalling everything. And my opinion isn’t completely proven without trying but I have theoretical knowledge.

            33 days ago

            Why would I use a system that isn’t supposed to change if I want to change it?

            There’s a bunch of benefits, atomic updates, intrinsic rollback, security of immutability, safe automatic updating and it goes on. Some things are not quite ready yet, e.g. things like sddm which should probably install themes to /etc (which they’re working on), so as often happens in linux, workarounds ensue. Making one directory mutable does not destroy all the benefits.