California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta filed a lawsuit Monday against the Chino school district, ordering an end to a policy that requires notifying parents if their children change their gender identity, alleging it is discriminatory and violates civil rights and privacy laws.
The “parental notification” policy, which has been proposed by a handful of conservative-leaning districts in California, puts transgender and gender-nonconforming students in “danger of imminent, irreparable harm” by potentially forcibly “outing” them at home before they’re ready, according to the lawsuit.
We don’t have time for school districts to be wasting with culture war bullshit anyway. This behavior must be penalized heavily. Petty tyrants can’t just force everyone to to live the same way they do.
How is telling the parents about children’s gender changes forcing e tone to live a specific way? Isn’t it letting families choose how they want to live by sharing information?
I totally do get and agree with the arguments that some kids in a bad spot could be harmed by their parents. I just dislike these weird dishonest arguments. In no way does telling the families about their children’s choices force everyone to live the same way. That’s just incorrect and actually weakens your point of view because you’re making your side look dumb and irrational.
It forces students with abusive bigot parents to hide who they are in all cases, not just at home.
they don’t like to think of children as people, just things to be controlled. so in their minds, not allowing schools to rat on the kids is taking control away from the parents
Agreed. I even said that in my comment. But you’d rather be angry.
I was explaining how it forces people to live like bigots want, since you evidently didn’t see that.
It only does that if their family is bigots. So it’s not enforcing a single way to live. It’s enforcing whatever the family’s way to live. It’s a dishonest argument to say that it forces everyone to live the same way and that makes the side of tolerance look stupid or dishonest.
Not applying to literally everybody doesn’t make something “dishonest”.
If you say “everything is the same” when only some of the things are the same then that’s dishonest.
Cool. I didn’t say that.
And at the moment, that’s enough for you.
It’s enforcing it on the children you consider expendable.
It’s enforcing bigotry, which is why you support it.
It forces all teachers to participate in potentially abusive situations, which is why you support it.
Because kids get kicked out of their homes for being trans. Yes; even now, regularly, and yes; even in blue states.
You didn’t actually read what I wrote. If you did, then you’d realize I agree with you.
^ you, apparently having a stroke where you flip flop between two positions and gaslight everyone else who won’t entertain your mental misfires. You look dumb af rn btw
You literally quoted everything if that paragraph except for the sentence where I said I agreed that kids would be hurt by this disclosure rule. You can’t get much more dishonest than that.
Lol, are you on that stuff or something? You’d better stay away from children.
I’ll leave you to your echo chamber
I’ll leave you to your dishonest dealings
How would it let them live how they want to? How is forcibly sharing information allowing the family a choice? My brother is bi. Would forcibly outing him to our parents allow us a choice or does it deny one to my brother?
It depends on your family. It gives your family a choice about how they want to raise their child. It doesn’t enforce the school’s belief in anyone. It gives their families the choice of whether or not to enforce their beliefs and those are very different things.
What a ridiculous argument. If schools don’t out kids about things that have nothing to do with school, families don’t get a choice in how to raise their children?
If these parents care so deeply for their children, then why aren’t they already aware of any of this? This rule is nothing more than bigots and bad parents wanting to outsource the job of monitoring their children to state employees.
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What part of that isn’t true?
All of it. Wow, you are just dishonest to the core.
Obviously you aren’t even trying to have an honest discussion.
I can’t, because you’re so dishonest about everything. Disgustingly dishonest.
I’m sorry but do you see “repressing your child’s sexuality/gender identity” as a valid choice a parent can make?
This is what you seem to be implying here.
If the child trusted their parents with that information, they’d tell their parents. These policies only hurt children who cannot afford to do so, ate you aware of this?
I agree with you
You agree with me but you still want schools to be forced to out trans kids to their parents, so they can “decide how to raise their children”?
I didn’t say I supported it. I said that claiming that it is forcing everyone to live the same way is false and claiming that makes the side that is opposed to the disclosure rule look stupid and irrational.
You are actually so fucking dense, holy fuck.
Yes, it does force trans kids to be in the closet at school. That’s the point of the policy. That’s why the policy is bad.
Please do the world a favor and don’t reproduce.
What business is it of the school to be reporting something like this? It’s none of their business. The only thing a school should be reporting is poor academic performance or inappropriate behavior, and a child’s gender identity is neither one of those things. They question is where do you draw the line if not here? There’s been legislature put forward in some state(s) that says a young women should disclose when she is menstrating and how long ago her last one was… let’s nip this is the bud and draw the line right here, because all this is is a school snitching on transgender kids in hopes that the parents take action against them whether that is emotional, physical or both.
You are mistaken in thinking that those who are for snitching on trans kids would be anything but pro girls being forced to disclose their menstruation (which is also a way to target trans kids, as well as plain old controlling those who are AFAB).
The control and the harm are the point, appealing to their morals (or even their sense of shame) will never get you anywhere because they simply have none.
You heavily underestimate the amount of parents that would beat their kids near to death over this
No he doesn’t. He hopes it happens, and often.
You didn’t actually read what I wrote then. You saw some things that you disagree with and then shit your brain off and imagined me as a monster. This is why we can’t have nice things.
We can’t have nice things becaude chucklefucks like you don’t give a shit if kids get beat.
You can claim you do all you want, but that’s the very obvious outcome of not heavily opposing schools outing kids.
We can’t have nice things because as soon as someone says something that isn’t so dogmatic that it matches opinion 100% you imagine the other person to be a monster and shut off your brain before you even realize you have common ground. For example, I agree that this disclosure agreement is bad because some kids will be very hurt by it both physically and emotionally. But you’re too ignorant and reactionary to even realize that. And people on both sides have become just like you and that’s why we can’t have nice things.
We can’t have nice things because people like you call honest arguments and sincere problems “dishonest”.
It’s a sincere problem and a dishonest argument against it. And you can’t even get past your reflexive reaction to being slightly disagreed with to see that we agree with each other. That’s why we can’t have nice things. Too many people from all viewpoints can’t get along because they reflexively imagine people with slightly differing opinions to be monsters.
Funny, I might say the same to you.
That doesn’t make any sense. I’m the only person who acknowledges that we agree with each other that this disclosure is a problem and will get people hurt. I did it in the first comment I made. So you’re still being ridiculous and dishonest.
You need to expand your vocabulary.
Children get beat, kicked out of their homes, and worse by parents for simpler things.
Is that what you want? Do you want a child to die because their abusive parents found out something the child was hiding, because they didn’t want to die?
That’s exactly what these chucklefucks want
you didn’t actually read everything I wrote if you think I think that. If you did read it then you would realize I agree with you.
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Except it’s literally what they’re doing - if a child doesn’t feel comfortable being honest to their family about their gender identity you bet there is damn good reason, and forcing any authority to disclose this information without the child’s consent is forcing them to live in a situation they’ve already concluded they could not survive.
There is only one side here that is irrational, and it’s the one advocating to harm children under the pretence of “concern” for them.
It’s potentially giving abusive parents ammo to withhold gender affirming care such as social transitioning, which is proven to reduce suicide rates in trans kids and teens. Parents forcing their kids to stop socially transitioning in school can be traumatic, and cause long term emotional damage, and it can even result in children being kicked out of their homes as a result in some cases. It’s taking away a space where they feel safe to express themselves against their will. Even for kids where they won’t experience a worst case scenario, there’s no reason to tell a kid’s parent that they’re presenting as a different gender at school instead of letting them make that choice for themselves. Either the kid feels safe enough to tell their parents themselves, or they don’t. And if they don’t feel safe telling their parents then forcibly outing them is one of the cruelest things you can do to a child in that situation. Coming out to your family is an extremely personal thing and should only ever be up to the person to decide when and who to tell, not their school.
Agreed. 100%. I hope California can stop them from disclosing that to their parents.
No, it’s forcing them to be outed. Let people choose how to live, and who to tell.