Can we say the obvious for a second?
Good decision. Everyone needs to be able to see this. It’s important, especially in this climate.
Something this important, we all need to witness, no matter which way the verdict goes.
Except the people that need to watch it are going to refuse and call it corruption. And still have extremely strong, unmoveable, opinions about it.
Same as the Jan 6th hearing
They’ll get their out of context and misleading soundbites from the right wind media overlords, which will only reinforce their blind faith in their lord and savior trump.
Oh that’s a good point though.
On one hand the media won’t be able to resist actually covering the trial but on the other hand if they do that they’ll be informing their viewership, and that can’t happen.
Except the people that need to watch it are going to refuse and call it corruption.
And that, even if it’s true or not, doesn’t really matter.
The point is, this is the first time one of our leaders has been put on trial, it’s something that all the people of the nation need to witness, regardless of its effect, or outcome. We can’t just be told the outcome, we need to see it with our own eyes.
What’s best is everyone will see the evidence.
Not really. The people who need to see and believe the evidence will never see it and will deny that it is anything but lies.
What does this heat have to do with it?
it will keep people indoors
This should be the top comment
It is
lol it was 0 points when I said that.
This is cool as Biden continues out his communist regime. Let the down votes flow on behalf of CNN because half of you can’t see the other picture. Trump sucks I see that. But fuck y’all love these grocery prices. And diesel prices cause I can’t work without it. My 3 kids like to eat too and in this budget we can’t even afford that.
These prices were coming whoever was in the White House. That’s the result of the economy crashing under the former guy.
Why do you have a diesel vehicle anyway? My wife and I have one of the most fuel efficient vehicles on the road. 11 gallon tank, and gets over 30 mpg.
I laugh at all of the dumbasses driving around in Ford F150s and Dodge Rams guzzling expensive dinosaur juice. Those guys are morons, paying the “dumb boy tax”, and I’m sure they complain about it, too. 🤷
A Honda Civic can’t tow a trailer of machinery, or haul material to a job
Sure, but there are vehicles between a Civic and a F-350. Small trucks like the Colorado come to mind, I have an Avalanche, but I don’t use it with its towing capacity ever. The last time I did was a year and a half ago. It would have cost me much less to rent one than the extra fuel it uses. Most people who have big trucks only use their capacity once every few years or never at all. Often times a crossover works better than a truck, as you can fit 2 x 4s, tools, and stuff in the hatch and use its towing capacity to haul a small trailer when you need it. It’s not hauling a backhoe to the job site, but how many backhoes do you need?
Biden? Communist? LMFAO.
But fuck y’all love these grocery prices.
No one “loves” the prices of anything. But that’s largely due to Coronavirus, the disease that Trump said at least 38 times would “disappear” and denied for months on end while it continued to spread into a pandemic.
And low interest rates that his cronies took advantage of to get rich during a crisis.
Anyone a big enough drunk to take a shot every time Trump, himself, tries to object?
Do you want to give everyone alcohol poisoning?!
I think drinking that many shot glasses of water would kill you, honestly
What if you take a drink every time he tries to object to his own defense? I’m pretty sure taking a shot when he objects to anything would kill even the most experienced alcoholic.
Maybe he’ll just do like what he did in the debate with Hillary: “Wrong.”
How much you wanna bet he’s never held in contempt.
What about every time he’s held in contempt? That would be much more modest. More my speed, I think.
I still think you’re flirting with death there. You should augment it to every time Trump holds the judge in contempt.
“No contempt! No contempt! You’re in contempt!”
“ERECTIONJECTION YOUR JUDGESHIP! somethingsomethingorangewordsalad” - Trump
Wait, does that even count?
I read this as “Erection Ejection” and for some reason that shit alone cracked me up, then thinking of Trump saying, “Erection Ejection!” cracked me up more. Well done, I needed the laugh.
I’m saying this next time I finish, my wife will be thrilled.
Mine is waiting on me to finish walking the dogs.
I’ll report back about how it goes.
Pray for me boys.
I’m back.
2 days I’ve been crawling.
Abort mission. Don’t…do…it. Gaaah.
He’ll be confused more than half the time.
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Fastest way to end stage cirrhosis
Ask the popcorn eating will counteract the alcohol, digestion-wise.
Wouldn’t he be charged with contempt if he did that?
They should add some twitch integration too, 10,000 bits and the defendant has to floss.
Donation meme soundboard
I’m picturing a lot of psychotic TikTok “yes yes ice cream so good gang gang”
Fawx News: “Now back to continuing coverage of paint drying. Make sure to stay tuned because we have Hunter Bidens dick pics as well! Laptop! Biden Crime Family! NO! DO NOT TOUCH THAT DIAL! NOOOOOOOO!!!”
The last big ‘Hitler is still alive’ movie was 1978’s ‘The Boys From Brazil.’ Extrapolating from that, I think we’ll see the last attack on Hilary Clinton in the early 2100’s.
What about Look Who’s Back?
I hope he suddenly goes all sovereign citizen and handles his own defense.
He should. After all, doesn’t he know more about the law than anyone? And he’s a stable genius too. Sounds like he should save the money he’d spend on his lawyers and just handle his own defense. I’m sure he’d win easily in court, right? (Barely manages to contain laughter)
He pays lawyers?
Sadly he can probably get a volunteer at this point. Set for life if you win the case, if you lose you blame the Deep State
Any lawyer who works for Trump likely asks for cash in advance. Either that or the lawyer is so bottom of the barrel and has drunk the kool-aid so much that they essentially are agreeing to work for free. (Because Trump WILL refuse to pay them whether he wins or loses.)
At the rate he’s going through lawyers who are willing to jump in front of the train for him he might actually have to. He might not be able to find a lawyer who’s willing to defend his sorry ass.
Trumpty Dumpty the sovcit 🤣
Sadly this will only be watched as justice porn for the left, the right won’t even care.
Everyone likes justice porn in America. The OJ trial was one of the most watched TV events in history at the time.
Well it’s about to be topped.
I wont be participating. wake me up when the criminal is behind bars. everything else is posturing.
I’m pretty sure a trial to put someone behind bars is the opposite of posturing.
Judicial proceedings is anything but posturing.
There’s a 50/50 chance you’ll be asleep for a loooooong time.
That doesn’t sound terrible
People who think the legal process is just postering sound very similar to Trumpers to me.
Yeah I mean I was talking about the broadcasts not the legal process but ok buddy whatever you say idc
Let me say the obvious part: Trump’s cult has already intimidated lawmakers, witnesses, prosecutors, civil servants and judges. They decried this as a witch hunt before they even knew the facts! They stormed the Capitol to keep trump in power! They are talking about jailing his political opponents and instituting a genuine dictatorship! This must be open to all and published as it happens…
“Posturing”!? You know words have meaning, right…?
I don’t know about that. An awful lot of conservatives are bending over backwards to explain why Trump was justified in breaking the law multiple times. They certainly do care, and some people have even died over it. Remember the guy who tried to go after the FBIfield office in Cincinnati, OH?
I’ve heard some arguments saying that if Trump “knew” the election was rigged, he had a moral imperative to do whatever was necessary to maintain the union. The fact that the charges exist at all is proof of conspiracy, and the trial is just a parade. While I don’t agree, it’s hard to get thru to people that don’t agree on the same objective reality.
Turns out if you lie often enough and about something and just keep repeating it, people will start to believe it.
There’s unfortunately, also some evidence to the contrary that he privately knew he lost and did all this crap anyway.
Nevermind the phone call where he asked the Georgia secretary of state to find him 11,780 votes. But, if that’s not enough to convince people he’s making shit up, nothing will convince them.
Unfortunately, I’m dumb at psychology, and I have no idea how you would deprogram these people.
For groups like this reprogramming usually starts with facing the wall.
What does “facing the wall” mean?
It’s like when the last thing a mosquito sees is it’s ass when it hits your windshield.
firing squad presumably
The argument that someone saying they “knew” something, without being able to provide a shred of evidence to support the claim, is somehow direct proof of said claim is, flat out, retarded. They’re not logicians.
For me it will be 1/3 Justice porn and 2/3 I’m living through history titillation.
Yeah. While I absolutely have a bias and want to see this fucker convicted, I feel like no matter what, it’s going to have at least one “Where were you when…” moment.
Almost every generation has a couple. Where were you when JFK was shot? When the Challenger exploded? During 9/11? When Columbia burned up?
I mean, obviously, reading the verdict is going to be there, but I feel like there’s going to be some real courtroom horseshit / ooohhhh shiiit moments too.
I was alive for the Columbia explosion, 9/11, the Challenger explosion, and Reagan’s attempted assassination. I saw them all as highlight reels on TV hours after the facts. I saw OJ’s glove escapade on the evening news. I expect there to be a Trump trial moment like that, but I don’t need to see it live, and I definitely don’t need to sit through hour after hour of courtroom procedure waiting to see that one moment.
I’m glad the trial will be recorded for posterity. That seems like the best way to answer claims of shenanigans in any trial. Actually watching the trial, all the way through, seems a little too much like watching Nascar hoping to see a big crash.
seems a little too much like watching Nascar hoping to see a big crash.
NASCAR is not just about watching cars going around in a circle waiting for a crash.
It’s “a day at the beach” for those who don’t have an ocean nearby. Tailgate parties and beautiful people dressed for the occasion. A reason to relax and enjoy.
Username checks out.
Username checks out.
In case you meant that as a slight, I live on one of the coasts, and have never been to a NASCAR event.
Not a slight, it was a mademesmile perspective. Something a Cosmic Cleric might say when someone belittles something they don’t fully understand. I’ve never been to one either but the comment made me want to go to there.
Wouldn’t it be grand if we could end it on a high note, and stop thinking “I’m living through history” every 1-3 years?
Oh, to know boredom.
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Never thought an empty old man, twiddling his thumbs, would draw me in more than the countless content streaming services have to offer, but here we are.
I think it’s going to be the exact opposite. They’ll make a mockery of the justice system and turn it into a circus. The media will report every day and Drumph will keep his name continuously talked about. Meanwhile his team will watch what is reported nightly so they can strategize a narrative for “his viewers” while at the same time going as close to whatever line(s) as they can without crossing, but still keeping it a spectacle. It’ll be even worse than the 4 years he was president.
Alex Jones tried that, it didn’t really work out for him. It will depend on the judge.
Perhaps, but Alex could never say “you can’t do that to an ex-president.”
Jones did say all kinds of other dumb shit, but not that.
Trump also has a slightly more rabid following.
Trump will just play the wounded lamb for a nationwide audience, 1/3rd of which will lap it up.
Trials are about the facts tho and as they come out frump can’t really attack the facts. He can’t speak out during the trial so I’m not sure what you guys think he’s gonna even be able to do much less get away with.
The place where it’ll matter is in the breakdowns by pundits. It will be very hard for the right wing machine to build viable defense talking points when the facts are so clear.
Their defense is already established. It’s a “witch hunt”, “corruption”, “politically motivated”. Delegitimizing the current authority, where this kind of act is deemed illegal, is the goal. We have too many “uneducated” people, looking for “love”, in this country.
True, but u saw him lose a lot of support during the Jan 6th trials as they simply played the videos from that day. The trial will be largely the same. Evidence presented, cut and dry and there’s no ability for the right wing news cycle to spin this as not a crime.
I hope you’re right.
They cross the lines every day. Just a little. Problem is, the lines moves to compensate, instead of standing their ground.
I was going to say that the conspiracy theorists would watch it simply to figure out all the ways this is a Jewish-space-laser-controlled judge presiding over an adrenochrome -addicted jury, with all the officers of the court being lizardmen in humanskin.
Then I realized that was simply too much effort for them; they’ll just get their conspiracies from Fox and Tucker, and Joe Rogan as usual.
You know, I’m getting real tired of you goyim knowing about our laser.
Tis a joke but I am actually jew
This is what I should have said to begin with
Fuck ‘em.
This should 100% be televised. This affects us all. This was the attempted overthrow of our democracy and justice should not be hidden.
There is way more benefit then problem with this IMHO.
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I’m also anticipating a spike in stochastic terror
Wonder what sponsors they’ll have… Will the judge ask us to smash the like button?
It’ll be funded via concurrent 24/7 American Truck Sim stream (hosted by Will Smith) + charity raffle
I was thinking more like the following:
“Donald J Trump is charged with 91 counts of sedition, treason, rigging an election, faking electors, and leaking sensitive documents to foreign nations… which brings us to our segue - do you worry about your online privacy while you are using a public WiFi? Then NordVPN can help keep your online dealings and documents safe and secure! Use code DUMP45 for 9% off every January”
“Remember to like and subscribe if you like what you see!”
“You’re all a bunch of libtard snowflakes. You’re all triggered. So try BetterHelp; you can reach out to a licensed therapist any time, even by text, 24/7. Use CHUMP45 to get 6‰ off in January”
[note: the per-mille is intentional]
They’ll probably demand we “dab on the notification bell”
I’m wholeheartedly behind the WGA & SGA, but god bless Georgia for coming in clutch with content over the next year plus.
That’s a brilliant way to look at this
Out-fucking-standing. I am absolutely going to watch this. It’ll be the first Trump footage I’ve voluntarily watched in quite a while.
My word, that is delicious.
Free media coverage of anything Trump does tends to boost Trump’s popularity, even if a normal person would see it as stupid or embarrassing. So I’m in two minds about this.
This is the 2016 election strategy all over again. “If we blast negative Trump coverage 24/7 people will finally wake up to how evil/racist/dumb/etc. he is!”
This is going to be bigger than the OJ trial. He’s raised close to 10 million off of the mug shot alone. If he’s making that much off the “movie poster”, how much do you think he’s going to profit from the full-length “feature film”?
In 2016 they kept up stupid narratives about how “shrill” or “unlikable” Hillary was to “some” people as well. Also, they gave horse race style/ bothsiderist coverage to right’s utter nonsense about BENGHAAAAAAZIIII and things like email servers.
They also decidedly did NOT give the real backstory on donnie and did absolutely nothing to really vet him for an American public that mostly only knew him from being a Bigly Successful Bidnessman on a game show someone else built around his fake image…
Even for the famous tape where he is caught bragging about sexual assault, they chose to focus on the p-word and the pearl-clutching over how that is “locker room talk”, when the key issue is really that he’s bragging about sexually assaulting women because of the power imbalance, and not because he said the word “pussy”. Yeah, the media absolutely flubbed even that much.
Flubbed, or just did like they always do and treat him (and his chud army) with kid gloves? I doubt they’d have used the “oh my stars please get me to the fainting couch” strat had Hillary bragged about grabbing a dude by the dick.
Flubbed, or just did like they always do and treat him (and his chud army) with kid gloves?
Oh I have little doubt that quite a few within the media absolutely delighted in the idea of giving him lots and lots of airtime in order to fatten their wallets, and also a good deal of them really seem to just hate and despise the Clintons, especially Hillary, so they took every opportunity to take a shot at her. I do think quite a few thought that it was one big freaking joke and he could “never” win and engaged in lots and lots of bothsiderism over fears that the right will declare they are biased, hilariously, for the left.
The right declares the media are all liberals anyway, no matter what they do, so I have no idea why there are so many in the media that bend over backwards to do the “objective” bothsiderist things.
Even when he’s officially declared ineligible in enough states to matter, conservatives will continue to waste their money on him instead of viable candidates. Let him bleed them dry. He can count all their money from behind bars.
I understand but he’s going to make hay out of this no matter what. The good news is that this isn’t a debate with an imperfect moderator; it’s a judge who can slap real sanctions on people for breaking decorum. Trump won’t be in control.
Yeah but it’s extremely important for the future of this country for these trials be freely available so we all have the facts (even if people choose to ignore them).it’s just important 10-20 years later so the facts don’t get erased.
US treason trial drinking game, what are the rules?
Don’t die/alcohol poisoning
The drinking game is now a smoking game.
Shit game tbh
Take a shot every time the defense brings up the first amendment
We’re going to have to make Bullshit Bingo cards…
Solid 2 piece, fries and a drink
I wonder what Fox will find to run instead.
We now go live to San Francisco where a homeless person is probably gay and Hispanic.
Wow, the criminality of it all. Wish we had Trump as our president, then we would be crime free!!
Try moving to Texas, where they eliminated all rapes
Texas Governor be like “if she’s forced to carry the child till birth and marry the rapist then it doesn’t count in statistics!”
What a fucking joke dude
Any random car chase, if that famous Hannity clip is any indication.
I am not going to watch any of that.
When he was on the NPR news cycle five times a day I started yelling and cursing uncontrollably to the point where I was diving at the radio to turn it off or change the station so that I would not freak the fuck out.
It doesn’t matter where Trump is. I don’t want to be there. It is a defilement to view him.
Practice stoicism my friend. Ppl on the left freaking out is exactly what they want. Treat trump and the gop the same way you treat clowns…laugh at them.
It’s the thing they fear the most…loss of narrative.Best I can do is exude the overwhelming smugness of a 17th century Scottish trader who just gonvinced some Englishmen to buy goods for way over market price.
Eh .little wins
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it’s crazy that trump has basically trained us all to be able to understand him because he’s basically incoherent. in speeches he alternates between pre-written sections that he is clearly struggling to read, and completely thoughtless ad-libs like “many people are saying this” which he will say about literally anything. and in more spontaneous formats he’s just all over the fucking place, he just leaves a trail of sentence fragments behind him until he’s decided he’s talked for an appropriate amount of time. and his voice, i mean, he sounds like mark hamill’s joker after dental anesthesia. they should play his speeches on speakers mounted to the underside of cargo ships to repel whales
mark hamill’s joker after dental anesthesia
Wow, is that ever accurate.
they should play his speeches on speakers mounted to the underside of cargo ships to repel whales
You should consider a career in comedy.
Me either. However, I look forward to Legal Eagle breaking down the highlights.
I get it. I always try to tune in for these kinds of things though, the somewhat boring dense slow trials, because I want to be better informed to counteract any right wing rhetoric I encounter. In particular IRL.
plus it’s more mundane factual shit so I’m here for that, but if he treats it like the debates idk if I could all the interrupting to make no point just to get sound bites and derail the other person.
I think him in a courtroom will be different, perhaps startlingly so. He won’t be able to just say whatever he wants, he’ll have to actually try to make a logical coherent case. Which, being impossible for him personally, means that I think we will not hear much from him. His legal team will do most of the talking, if he has any brains at all.
if he has any brains at all.
Important caveat. We may hear a lot from him after all!
He won’t be at the center of the action. He’ll be sitting and shutting up and letting his lawyers talk for him. And of course trying not to look guilty when the prosecution details his crimes.
I too have avoided listening or watching him. This might be a really different thing.
It doesn’t matter where Trump is. I don’t want to be there. It is a defilement to view him.
I feel you.
But will the revolution?
How can they actually get jurors for this?
If the facts require the jurors to convict, there is no chance that this won’t ruin their lives (if not significantly shorten them). Even before then, it’s going to be a problem. His supporters have already declared and demonstrated that they are willing to use violence.
Thank you, but I’d sit in jail as long as necessary to not be on any of these juries.
How do you even find an impartial jury? I might be wrong but I was almost certain that an impartial jury is required to convict, which is why they always ask you about potential conflicts of interest when you attend jury duty. How many impartial jurors can there be at this point? Tbh, I’m not even sure I would trust an impartial jury with this case. To me, if you’re claiming to be impartial then you’re either lying, or you give zero fucks about politics and the people around you. Being impartial in this context has some really concerning implications about you.
Am I biased? Fucking absolutely and I hope he’s found guilty.
Can I set aside my bias and only consider the evidence as presented? Also fucking absolutely.
There are plenty of people who care enough about the rule of law that would let a man they hate walk free. If you can’t, perhaps you should be more concerned with yourself than the implications you ascribe to others who don’t deserve it.
My concern is that there’s a certain type of person who would have zero issues with lying about how impartial they are. Here’s a hint, they’re not like us.
I loath trump… but if I was on the jury I would do my job and set aside my personal feelings and listen to the evidence presented by both side and make a decision within the confines of the law… if the prosecution gave charges they couldn’t fully prove or over reached I hate to say it I’d have to find him not guilty even though I know morally he fucked up but it’s the states job to have competent prosecutors that do their job well. I truly hope the prosecution does a stellar job and gets a conviction and I hope those in the jury take it seriously and set aside personal feelings and listen to the facts.
Being impartial doesn’t mean that you are midway between prosecution and defendant.
Impartial means that you will take the facts presented to you at face value and derive logical conclusions from those facts.
You raise a very good point. I think they should be able to use “innominate jury” (anonymous jury) so that the public and the defendants are not able to know who they are. I don’t know how common it is in RICO cases but it wouldn’t supprise me if this will be used in these cases.
The jury will be secret.
Good luck keeping it that way.
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No, in Georgia a Grand Jury’s participants are public record.
Actually it was never the case for the grand jury. Grand jury names are always public by law in ga. They probably knew they would get doxxed.