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It is not the topic which community. Brutal content fits here well brutality is multifaceted like many other topics. The point we are cautious about right now is a server and not a community thing (new, growing, rules…). But of course not everyone likes everything just because they appreciate facets of brutality. One more reason why I’m glad that the scoring system does exist, but isn’t overly prominent. If I could wish for something, it would be diversity. Not the posts that get 100 likes because they echo the mainstream of the internet. ;)
Not that I care much about the downvotes - but it’s a good way to gauge community interests and membership makeup (assuming the downvotes are coming from comm members, and not simply by folks simply browsing “all”.
It is not the topic which community. Brutal content fits here well brutality is multifaceted like many other topics. The point we are cautious about right now is a server and not a community thing (new, growing, rules…). But of course not everyone likes everything just because they appreciate facets of brutality. One more reason why I’m glad that the scoring system does exist, but isn’t overly prominent. If I could wish for something, it would be diversity. Not the posts that get 100 likes because they echo the mainstream of the internet. ;)
Not that I care much about the downvotes - but it’s a good way to gauge community interests and membership makeup (assuming the downvotes are coming from comm members, and not simply by folks simply browsing “all”.
OK, posted - (without the warning)