VOY 4x10 “Random Thoughts”

I’ve always interpreted this episode as mocking the parents who claim their kids would be angels if not for video games.

The Mari. Mario. Coincidence? lol

  • @spittingimage@lemmy.world
    11 hour ago

    In highschool I had a friend who thought he was effective at using violence because he was good at videogames. It was hilarious watching him learn he was wrong.

    • Dharma Curious (he/him)
      56 hours ago

      I watched that episode at exactly the right age to have been crushing hard on Wesley, and I should not have watched that episode. Repeatedly. While alone. With my door locked.

      Horny trek is weird trek.

        • @aeronmelon@lemmy.world
          21 hour ago

          Kurtzman/Abrams Trek is Horny Trek.

          Berman Trek is Sexually Repressed Trek.

          So many problems could have been solved by getting the characters in question laid.

          And then Beverly finds a candle…

  • @dohpaz42@lemmy.world
    2112 hours ago

    My kids play video games. Nothing terribly violent, but even if they did it wouldn’t matter much. You see, as their parents, their mom and I make sure we talk to our children about right and wrong, fantasy and real life, and how the things they see on TV, movies, and video games are not real and not appropriate in real life; that there is a time and place for everything, and that they need to be aware of their audience.

    You see, we parent our children. We recognize where fault starts and ends when it comes to their behavior. And if we thought for a moment that video games had such a negative influence on our children, we would make sure our kids didn’t play video games. Because that’s what being a parent is about.

  • @OpenStars
    310 hours ago

    Video games can encourage violence, if you make sure to play the right ones (College Humor Mario endless bouncing koopa)