It wasn’t a hostile discussion or anything, i didn’t even go full “the kulaks deserved it” (although the mod that single-handedly banned me did go full “the kulaks did not deserve it”). I just laid out plainly and calmly that revolutions are inherently authoritarian, that Luxemburg said “the revolution will be as violent as the ruling class makes it necessary” and that there’s one Trotzki quote i 100% agree with: “If the October Revolution hadn’t succeeded, the world would have known a Russian word for fascism 10 years before Mussolini’s March on Rome”. Basically the whole “Jakarta Method” train of thought laid out clearly and without calling anybody names.

Note that this was on an explicitly left-leaning server that does not allow cops and troops to join. Also after several days of another poster starting destructive, aggressive bad faith arguments in the politics channel until a number of users went “disengage” on her and the channel had to be frozen until recently, when she immediately started being hostile and arguing in bad faith again, which got her not one, but two warnings from the same mod without further consequences. Meanwhile, when i defend AES without attacking anybody, that’s apparently too much for her to handle. No advance warning, no “sis, you’re talking to me as a mod here”, not even a notification that i got banned.

The best part is that according to screenshots a friend just sent me, she’s now completely going off about “authoritarians”. The nerve some people have.

Sorry for posting pointless internet drama here, i just needed to vent.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    1 year ago

    this was on an explicitly left-leaning server that does not allow cops and troops to join

    she’s now completely going off about “authoritarians”

    I think my newest take is that anti-authoritarianism is not left-leaning, it shares the aesthetics of the left but should be seen as a unique ideology in and of itself that ultimately serves the status quo. Efforts should be made to distinguish it as a unique ideology and define it firmly away from the left.

    In application anti-authoritarianism opposes all revolution and all construction of anything post-revolution. It opposes authority use within the existing state but it also opposes authority use to end the existing state and in doing so it upholds it and takes a position against any and all people that seek real change.

      1 year ago

      Anti-authoritarianism is weird because it sees government authority as an ultimate evil but private entities authority as the status quo.

      Private banks forcing people out of their homes? Thats a good society. Government doing the same and distributing it? Authoritarian evil.

      Then if there is a successful revolution - anything the revolutionaries do is now authoritarian because they took over the government.

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        The problem is authoritarian doesn’t have a precise mechanical definition at all. Anarchists and liberals don’t use the word in the same way. A lot of my anarchist comrades don’t even use the term because of how imprecise it is. Instead I’ll see anarchists mention lopsided hierarchies in general, imperialism, or how a hierarchy can lead to abuses of power. Or more broadly they might disagree with seizing state power as a tactic, but I think well-read anarchists realize that authoritarian is not a coherent ideological position. No one identifies as an authoritarian, for instance.

        Liberals use it as a way to conflate fascists and communists. They use it to mean there’s a lack of representation from groups/interests they believe are inherent to any society. Since all socialist countries exclude or restrain representation of the capitalist class, that makes all socialism authoritarian by a liberal point of view. They see a single party state as tyrannical, because they would prefer to see a state with various competing bourgeois elements rather than the single uniting interest of the working class.

        Liberals also use the term (and tankie) in a completely racist way. White countries aren’t authoritarian, that’s reserved for scary foreigners us-foreign-policy

        • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
          1 year ago

          The problem is authoritarian doesn’t have a precise mechanical definition at all. Anarchists and liberals don’t use the word in the same way. A lot of my anarchist comrades don’t even use the term because of how imprecise it is. Instead I’ll see anarchists mention lopsided hierarchies in general, imperialism, or how a hierarchy can lead to abuses of power. Or more broadly they might disagree with seizing state power as a tactic, but I think well-read anarchists realize that authoritarian is not a coherent ideological position. No one identifies as an authoritarian, for instance.

          it’s also why, for instance, the political compass is such an awful concept in general

          but yeah, I try to be cognizant of how different parts of the Left just have fundamentally different definitions behind the same words, like “authority” for instance, and so bringing up e.g. Engels to somebody who doesn’t think authority means what Engels defines it as is kinda pointless, but the liberals have turned “authority” into such a meaningless term now that I can understand why your anarchist comrades don’t care to use it

          • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
            1 year ago

            There’s a line in the explanation of that compass, I guess written by the authors, saying that Stalin and Hitler could have a cordial discussion about politics so long as economics aren’t mentioned. Which is absurd. Stalin was a Marxist and Hitler believed politics was a matter of skull measurements and racial destinies.

            • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
              1 year ago

              saying that Stalin and Hitler could have a cordial discussion about politics so long as economics aren’t mentioned

              what the fuck? did they think WW2 and millions of deaths was just an economics debate that got too far? the only possible way you could think this is true is if you literally didn’t know shit about fuck. “yeah, actually, the guy who liberated the Jews from the concentration camps was actually basically the same politically as the guy who put them in there”

    • I think it’s strident individualism masquerading as anarchism.

      Both anarchism and socialism heavily center community. They put slightly different emphasis on different parts of community and anarchism is more decentralized but anarchism still places community and a persons place and rights vis a vis their community as well as the expectations a community can have of its members at the center.

      It’s less obvious with anarchism since anarchism is less proscriptive about what form community should take and usually it’s some vision of a decentralized variety of voluntarist communes or something like that, but it always has the idea of a person as a part of their community at the center.

      Strident individualism, the idea that the individual is more important than the collective, is antithetical to both anarchism and socialism and this is what really separates right-libertarianism from anarchism.

        1 year ago

        A lot of people make the claim that individualist anarchism is right wing because they just don’t know what it’s actually about and think it’s some kind of philosophical anarcho-capitalism. But I’ve never met someone who read Renzo Novatore and thought he was right wing at all. Edgy? Extremely so. Kinda dumb? Honestly I think so too. But right wing as in in favour of the reaction and the capitalist class, no way.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        1 year ago

        I mean, sorta?

        The distinguishing feature of anarchists is that they do in fact want revolution and are willing to shoot guns over it. While there is no such feature of ancaps, the NAP is explicitly anti-revolutionary, and opposes all capability to effect change within the system through any means other than the use of money and property.

        So yes. I can kinda see that comparison. The only thing I will say however is that the anti-authoritarians that can be pipelined leftwards are usually still in favour of use of authority for some things, such as enforcing the age of consent. Whereas the libertarians seem to be against authority in even that case too. This distinguishes which group of anti-authoritarians that pipeline left vs which group of them pipeline right.

      • I wrote a longer rely to op but I think it’s when the rights and liberties of the individual are made supreme to the point of overriding the rights of the community, that’s when it’s just crypto-libertarianism masquerading as anarchism.

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I don’t think anti-authoritarianism (as you describe it) can be separated from leftism (anarchism is right there), nor should it be (it’s largely correct in many cases and also a powerful organizing tool). Rather, I think anyone who digs in on that front should be asked two questions:

      1. How would you get from our current society to the one you think is best?
      2. In the society you think is best, what would happen when Person A harms Person B?

      Either they will have practical answers that lead naturally into discussions like “when is authority justified, and what actions can a justified authority take?” or they’ll show their ass with some “abolish bedtimes” baby anarchist stuff.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        1 year ago

        I don’t think anti-authoritarianism (as you describe it) can be separated from leftism (anarchism is right there)

        Anti-authoritarianism is distinguishable from anarchism because anarchists do not oppose use of authority for revolution nor to maintain post-revolution, they support authoritarian means in those cases.

        Anything that opposes revolution upholds the status quo.

        The anti-authoritarians might be a pipeline into the left, but are not yet among the left in that their ideology literally upholds neoliberalism by opposing all use of authority to change it. You could view them in the same way that belief in alternative medicines isn’t right wing but is a pipeline into right wing conspiracy thought. Distinguished from the right but you can see how it leads into it. Anti-authoritarians are distinguishable from the left in that they oppose all the things we need to bring about any real change, but they can be a pipeline into the left by making them realise this.

        This is also why the anti-tankie rhetoric is so necessary for liberals. It makes it harder to do the work to pipeline the anti-authoritarians into the left by aiming to kick all real leftists out of the anti-authoritarian spaces and shut down all thought-processes of anti-authoritarians if/when they speak to people that are part of the proper left.

      • GarbageShoot [he/him]
        1 year ago

        (it’s largely correct in many cases

        This seems to be the case mainly because the principal authorities in capitalist society are ones that should be opposed and destroyed. That doesn’t make it a coherent political position. See Gramsci’s letter to anarchists.

      • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
        1 year ago

        Like, there’s a word for an antagonism to authority. It’s anarchism. This doesn’t imply an ignorance of power or of its present application in the real world, nor does it imply that all authorities are indistinguishable, but it does imply that we hold no structures so sacred as to be above question. That’s not counterrevolutionary: it’s the very thing that revolution consists of.

      1 year ago

      I don’t have the time or energy to argue for/against a state at the moment but I’d like to leave some stuff for anyone interested in an actual anarchist analysis of the state over idle speculation from people who have a clear bias against left-libertarian politics. Plenty of anarchists read statist material to gain an understanding of the statist perspective. I’ve personally read enough of Lenin (including the state and revolution), Trotsky and all that to know it isn’t my jam. Not to mention, Marx and Engles were against the state as a revolutionary apparatus (it’s included in the link, don’t @ me).

      The State is Counterrevolutionary

      And for an anarchist analysis on revolution, complex systems analysis, etc. The Revolution Series

      A Modern Anarchism

      Marx Against the State (article)

      I’m only linking the one channel because it’s relevant. Anarchism, as an inherently decentralized ideology and movement has a wide variety of theorists, analysis and opinions. Anarks material is well imformed and comprehensive. I’m not looking to convince anyone to “switch teams” but if we’re going to criticize one another it would help to know what we all actually believe and stand for

      • Awoo [she/her]
        1 year ago

        I’ve literally read all of these before.

        Nothing I said is a critique of anarchism.

        Not to mention, Marx and Engles were against the state as a revolutionary apparatus

        No. This is definitely nonsense, I don’t want to get into sectarian bollocks but you deserve correcting. Marx is completely explicit about it here:

        But again. Nothing I fucking said was a criticism of anarchism. This isn’t about anarchism this is about something explicitly different to it, anti-authoritarianism is not the same thing as anarchism, anarchists are not universally anti-authority.

        Stop trying to turn this into sectarianism. Nothing I said was about anarchism. Fuck off. Wrecker somewhere else.

      • GarbageShoot [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Did you actually read the article on Marx? It misrepresents Stalin tremendously and slightly misrepresents Lenin (who was at first the biggest proponent of a “state capitalist” DotP), but it clearly and explicitly defends the notion of the DotP as a socialist state preceding stateless communism, as all Marxist-Leninists do. It would have been better to include more of the writing Lenin quotes in his own work about the paradox of the “free state”, maybe even Lenin’s own thoughts, but we can only expect so much from a Trot rag like this.

        You aren’t making a good case for your “informed criticism” plea, as though it had a chance when you call Leninists “statists”. Just say “tankie” if you refuse to say ML, it is unironically less irritating.

          1 year ago

          What is one supposed to call leftists who advocate for a state if not statists?

          • GarbageShoot [he/him]
            1 year ago

            It’s a distortion to say that they “advocate for a state”. They, including Marx in the very article that was linked, say that a transitional state is necessary in order for there to be a successful stateless society subsequently. No ML advocates for the permanent existence of a state or even the existence of a state that is not designed to fundamentally tend toward the destruction of all states.

            Again, just say ML (or “Marxist” if you want to include the older figures like Marx, early Kautsky, Luxemburg, etc.)

              1 year ago

              transitional state is necessary in order for there to be a successful stateless society

              So they want a state??

              Also, my problem with just saying “ML” or “Marxist” is that there are plently of libertarian socialist that reject basically all Leninism, yet what they propose instead is a state too. Vastly different from ML states, but a state nonetheless. Therefore “statist leftists” is a better catch all term than “leftists who advocate for a transitional state” because that’s just a mouthful.

              • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                1 year ago

                So they want a state??

                They believe statehood cannot merely be abolished but must be destroyed in a more gradual and thorough manner. Any attempt to merely declare the state abolished will, at best, create a vacuum that neighboring state powers will rush into with the same violence as the physics analogy. The destruction of the state is necessary, but it cannot be done so easily.

                there are plently of libertarian socialist that reject basically all Leninism, yet what they propose instead is a state too.

                Are we talking about appeasing r/polcompmemes and HoI4 modding forums or actual political movements? Because Marxists have a real historical presence and regarding what few real demsoc-like countries actually exist (such as Bolivia and to a lesser extent Venezuela), even calling them “statist” seems to be missing the plot of what their ideologies actually are. It’s like when Trots call real anti-imperialists “campists,” it’s just a name you made up to flatter yourself that doesn’t reflect the living and practiced ideologies that far overshadow yours.

                This is also, again, completely sidestepping the point that Marx is on my side here, not just Lenin.

                  1 year ago

                  This feels like definition wars. I am aware marxists believe in the destruction of the state in the end, but it doesn’t change that they advocate for a revolution that takes control of the state and keeps using it. That to me is statism, the strategy. I don’t really use it to mean “the belief in a state” because the only ideology against the state is anarchism, so I just say not-anarchists or archists.

                  Are we talking about appeasing r/polcompmemes and HoI4 modding forums or actual political movements?

                  They are political movements, they’re just very niche and small. I don’t see why I have to pretend they don’t exist just because of that though.

                  This is also, again, completely sidestepping the point that Marx is on my side here, not just Lenin.

                  Never claimed he wasn’t. I’m saying there are people who follow marxism and want socialism with methods and endgoals that have nothing to do with Lenin so calling any leftist who believes in a transitional state ML or tankie is just a lazy generalization that I don’t see why I should use when statist is a perfectly fine word to me, you disagree with my use of it but you understand what I mean when I do so either way, no?

      • robinn2 [he/him]
        1 year ago

        “The State is Counterrevolutionary” Pt. 1:

        This quote from Lenin’s work What Is To Be Done? is quite instructive of the attitude he takes toward revolutionary organization: “Class political consciousness can be brought to the workers only from without, that is, only from outside the economic struggle, from outside the sphere of relations between workers and employers.” Leninism is predicated on a fundamental lack of faith in the workers to organize themselves and to arrive upon a coherent conception of their class position without a party to lead them. To Lenin, the vanguard, occupied by enlightened socialist thinkers, was a representative body of proletarian class consciousness. Thus it was the job of the revolutionary party to tutor the masses on their liberation ‘from without.’ Wherein the workers lacked such a guiding hand, Lenin took a dim view of their mass potential, believing that the highest state that they could achieve on their own was what he called trade union consciousness; that is to say, the ability to band together into trade unions.

        Should all workers attain class consciousness at once? Even the real means of material liberation will be distributed equally or in separate intervals. Why, then, should a worker’s vanguard be opposed? Leadership is absolutely necessary, and nobody is calling workers stupid. In fact, the theoretically advanced and devoted as those making up the vanguard are derived from the workers themselves. The quote from What is to Be Done is so deliberately misconstrued as to invoke a great suspicion of dishonesty. We will begin from where OP left off:

        “The sphere from which alone it is possible to obtain this knowledge is the sphere of relationships of all classes and strata to the state and the government, the sphere of the interrelations between all classes. For that reason, the reply to the question as to what must be done to bring political knowledge to the workers cannot be merely the answer with which, in the majority of cases, the practical workers, especially those inclined towards Economism, mostly content themselves, namely: ‘To go among the workers.’ To bring political knowledge to the workers the Social Democrats must go among all classes of the population; they must dispatch units of their army in all directions.”

        Either Anark read, “We therefore beg the reader not to get wrought up, but to hear us patiently to the end” and ignored this warning, or neglected to read the work entirely. In any case, this is a grave mistake that risks discrediting their entire argument.

  • RedQuestionAsker2 [he/him, she/her]
    1 year ago

    That really sucks.

    Whenever I bring up commie shit in real life, people are generally just really surprised because they haven’t ever heard those ideas or perspectives before. Sure they argue sometimes, but they can’t just kick you out of a place.

    Online though? You get the boot real fast. None of these people would have the guts to treat you that way in real life.

    • cosecantphi [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Online though? You get the boot real fast. None of these people would have the guts to treat you that way in real life.

      Sounds like this is a result of the rapidly increasing prevalence of liberal solipsism originating from the massively overblown obsession with the few 2016 election ads Russia bought. Now liberals have an easy get out of being flanked from the left card by always accusing anti-western communists of being either literal chat bots or paid shills. That’s much harder for a lib to do offline while the conversation is literally face to face.

      Although, I do remember a few years ago a comrade on this site made a vent post about how they were literally called a bot in an offline argument with a coworker. That one absolutely boggles the mind.

      • BeamBrain [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Although, I do remember a few years ago a comrade on this site made a vent post about how they were literally called a bot in an offline argument with a coworker. That one absolutely boggles the mind.

        When a lib calls someone a bot, they aren’t trying to make a factual statement about the world. It’s a social signal: “I don’t have to listen to or engage with the content of what you say because you’re on the Bad Team.”

      • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I would hope that liberals don’t literally believe that we are all AI chatbots that are replying to each other over and over, I think it’s just used in the same way that chuds use “NPC”. like, the only way you could get to our views is if you have zero critical thought about the world, know very little, are hyper suggestible to the first narrative you see, etc, which is very funny coming from (typically American) liberals whose entire concept of the world is generated by scrolling through reddit and half-remembered thoughts from high school

        • cosecantphi [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Yeah definitely, most of the time it’s not literal, but since LLMs have entered mainstream discourse, I’ve been seeing leftists accused of being actual, literal bots more and more often. Of course, this is usually on reddit where you could mistake ChatGPT as the second coming of Christ from how they talk about it over there.

      • Zodiark [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I thought the obsession over the advertisements were deflection from the Wikileaks e-mail dumps (DNC & Podesta leaks) about the Clinton campaign and the confirmation of the open secrets within those e-mails. (e.g: incestuous relationship between the campaign and the media, the Clinton campaign preemptively taking control of the DNC, and the Pied Piper strategy to set up radicals like Trump to enable Clinton to have an easier time getting elected.)

        Those leaks created a crisis of legitimacy, which has only been resolved artificially through self-delusion, and has only served to institutionalize learned helplessness and alienation from power.

        We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.

  • SimulatedLiberalism [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    I am going to be honest with you, the root cause of the problem lies deeper.

    There currently exists a lot of anxiety among the so-called Western left, who has for the past century secretly enjoyed the benefits of imperialism (while ostensibly critiquing it) and wanted the status quo to persist (while advocating for gradual, incremental change as a peaceful/non-violent means of reform to achieve progress).

    However, it is increasingly difficult to sustain this fantasy as the limits of neoliberal capitalism is being exposed across all fronts, both domestically (working class becoming disillusioned by electoral reforms and ditching left-leaning parties as their political platform) and externally (Western imperialism being challenged by the third world pushing for multipolarity and a parity of treatment between nations; accelerating climate disasters exposing the limits of gradual reformism).

    This is why you are seeing the behavior as manifested by these leftists, who are desperate to equate anything that provides an alternative to the status quo to be just as bad. The USSR? Authoritarian regime that was far worse than liberal democracy. Multipolar world? That’s just Chinese and Russian imperialism. The list goes on but you see the pattern here.

    • Sasuke [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      beyond the material aspect of, i there’s also something very appealing to westerns about the ‘end of history’ line of thinking - the way that it obfuscate capitalism and its ideology. it’s a self-made mythos. western liberals saw the fall of the soviet union as liberalism’s final triumph over communism, cementing the neoliberal idea the that there can be no alternative. admiting that they’re wrong - that there is an alternative - now also means conceding that they’ve bought into, and is guilty of upholding, a system that is more monsterious than any communist boogeyman that could dream up

      it’s far more comfortable to just tear down any alternative; to find some reason to exorcise the spectre of marx. that’s probably why western academia, so self-assured in its own skepticism, became enamoured with deconstructionalism following the decline/fall of the soviet union

    • kristina [she/her]
      1 year ago

      i only had one similar instance where i helped a girl at our lgbt org get hrt and paid for her to get an uber to her appointment. she gave me a big hug and said i changed her life and that i was awesome. once she learned i was a communist she got very angry and vowed to never come to the lgbt center again. very bizarre.

    • Thordros [he/him, comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      the book was unfinished when trotsky got pika-pickaxe so the editor had to piece together fragments from scattered scraps of notes.

      Trappo Slap Mouse continuing to commit a violence, this time via the host’s peepaw giving Trotsky the gears.

  • cosecantphi [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I feel like the kind of shit marginalized people go through in the imperial core tends to be inherently radicalizing in an anti-capitalist direction without necessarily being radicalizing in a pro-communist and anti-west direction.

    That makes a lot of sense considering even the most marginalized people in the imperial core have the privilege of not having to worry about bombs being dropped on their homes, CIA backed coups deposing their democratically elected leaders, nor the general all encompassing horror of imperial resource extraction. The result is that western marginalized and privileged citizens alike will both readily accept the never ending deluge of atrocity propaganda against AES emanating out of essentially all western media outlets.

    If you believed in literally everything the CIA said about AES, how would you feel about countries like the USSR or PRC? At that point, the red fascist rhetoric actually makes sense. How many fascists should you allow to sit at your table? 0. It’s insidious, and it has broken the brains of too many otherwise decent people. For that reason I try not to judge people like your discord moderator (other than for unironically being a discord moderator) too harshly for things like this.

    I don’t think people within the imperial core in general will soften up on AES until real communist organizations can build up local mutual aid networks to support the most precarious of us in their communities. Ideally they’d provide necessary social services running parallel to the rotting remains of the social safety nets once maintained by western governments until the fall of the USSR. That would lend to us the necessary position of public trust to displace the misinformation put out by corporate media by providing relevant education on communism, specifically AES, where the public education system has purposefully failed. Deliberate agitation on this front is very necessary in that there is no horrible experience one can endure in the imperial core that would result in intuitively figuring out we need to organize society in a similar way to AES countries.

    • vomit_sounds [any]
      1 year ago

      I am pretty aware that I would be dead three times over in third world country by now, the point is though that the west tries to pass that off as its achievement, and not it causing the conditions that make ND trans people die in the third world. Maybe I’d be fine in Cuba, idk, I just hate queers who defend capitalism a bit more bc they are happy servants of an evil that kills their siblings and keeps them down extra hard

    • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
      1 year ago

      If you believed in literally everything the CIA said about AES, how would you feel about countries like the USSR or PRC? At that point, the red fascist rhetoric actually makes sense. How many fascists should you allow to sit at your table? 0. It’s insidious, and it has broken the brains of too many otherwise decent people. For that reason I try not to judge people like your discord moderator (other than for unironically being a discord moderator) too harshly for things like this.

      I’m glad someone mentions this. We’re constantly being bombarded by propaganda and there’s very little pushback, I can’t really blame people for believing that the USSR was a cruel, genocidal regime and I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they are acting in “good faith” when they do shit like this. If I believed that Stalin deliberately engineered the Holodomor etc., I would ban people from my discord too if they said the USSR was cool.

        • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
          1 year ago

          For how many people do you think the system actually “works?” Do you think the system works for the mods of this trans discord server?

          People believe the propaganda because it’s being repeated much more often and much more loudly than the alternative, they believe it because the people around them believe it and because they were exposed to it from a young age when they hadn’t yet developed critical thinking skills.

          These people don’t trust the system, otherwise they wouldn’t have rules against cops. They know the system doesn’t work for them. But you have to consider just how all-encompassing “the system” really is, how much it affects everything around us and how much of what we believe is influenced by having lived our entire lives under capitalism. Realizing the underlying ideological influence of your own beliefs is a long journey, it’s not an on/off switch.

  • wax_worm_futures [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    A few months ago I was excluded from an anarchist server for defending the USSR.

    Sucks for the libs that those turned out to be… since then I’m now on a regional anarchist server, an intentional community server, and a permaculture server where my presence is appreciated.

    I hope you find something good trans-heart

  • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
    1 year ago

    i think this is the biggest weakness of online “community.” i know for a lot of people in a lot of situations it’s all that’s available, but a single egomaniac shouldn’t be able to unilaterally cut you off from your friends.

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]@hexbear.netOP
      1 year ago

      yeah absolutely

      I mean, the two people on their who are actually my friends already, i can stay in contact with them. We know each other outside of the server and that’s great. But all the people i just loved to shitpost and joke around with, some of whom would have become actual friends over time, they’re gone, i’m not gonna see most of these again.

  • ReadFanon [any, any]
    1 year ago

    I’m sorry that happened to you.

    There always seems to be a political bias against communists, especially in this new phase of the red scare, and mods will find any pretext to ban communists because they’ve been so heavily indoctrinated against communism.

    Once things have cooled off, I would consider messaging that mod and pointing out that you didn’t attack anyone, you just defended your political position, and you were banned without warning although the person who was slinging personal insults got multiple warnings and was treated with kid gloves. I personally wouldn’t want to be invited back but I would put a little bit of a barb in the end of my message by saying that the mods actions not only were an expression of authoritarianism by silencing dissenting voices on the left but that their actions are a tacit approval of the tyranny of a political orthodoxy that permits slinging personal insults so long as the person has the “correct” political beliefs. Then I’d say that they are a parody of anti-authoritarianism and they’ll probably justify their actions and inaction to themselves because the spooky tankie is pointing out uncomfortable truths which is further evidence of how they cannot be permitted into these spaces (because otherwise you’d be forced to confront your own cognitive dissonance - the horror!)

    Note that doing so will not earn you any friends. But sometimes people like this need to be called to account and, perhaps over time, cracks will start to form in their anti-communist indoctrination.

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]@hexbear.netOP
      1 year ago

      Yeah, i’ll try to fix this as best as i can. It’s not easy, i can’t message her if she doesn’t add me as a friend because we do not share a server anymore. So she can just ignore me without listening what i have to say. But a friend of mine will try to get a word in with the mods, she’s been unhappy with that one mod’s moderation style for some time now, and maybe that’ll help. IDK.

      I’ll be honest here, i would actually want to get back into that place, i really like a lot of the people there and don’t want to be cut off from them. I’ve only exchanged DMs with a handful of them because i’ve just been there for a few months and don’t go DMing people out of my own, but that handful now includes people i’m meeting irl. I’m actually having vegan sushi with a girl i met there tomorrow. I just click with a lot of the transfems there and idk if there’s another server with users from my country where that’s the case. I’m looking around rn, but it’s not looking good, the other big servers tend to have transmed and / or chaser problems and that’s an instant hard nope for me. It’s not made easier that i just don’t feel very comfortable around dudes and am not interested in servers that aren’t overwhelmingly transfem.

      • ReadFanon [any, any]
        1 year ago

        Ah, fair enough.

        In that case I’d avoid slinging shit at the mod and just keep it to the fact that you were stating your own political beliefs, you weren’t using personal insults against anyone, and despite that fact you were given no warnings you were immediately banned. I’d also mention that the other user was given multiple warnings for actually breaking the rules and yet they weren’t banned.

        If you can get a message across to the head mod, try to explain that you feel as though the mod that banned you allowed their own personal bias to influence their actions in a way that was unjustly harsh against you, unjustly tolerant of the other user, and how this ultimately crrates a hostile community that could rapidly become toxic if allowed to continue.

        I think in future, especially in broad left spaces, I’d recommend hiding your power level and avoiding getting too involved in ideological debates. There’s a time and a place for that stuff and when you are marginalised it can be hard to come across safer spaces for finding community and, unfortunately, it often means that you have to bite your tongue and then vent later on in a place like Hexbear or you can take out your ideological frustrations on some unwitting “anti-tankie” on some other platform.

        I know it fucking sucks to find a place that accepts you and is safer only to find out that it’s openly hostile to your politics (despite being for leftists 🙄) but often it’s a choice of whether you want to be right or if you want to be accepted. (I’m not trans myself but I’m queer and very much neurodivergent so there aren’t that many spaces which are welcoming and supportive for me that are actually safe enough. I often find myself needing to compartmentalise my capital-P politics in these spaces.)

        Congrats on finding someone to meet up with! I hope you enjoy the sushi.

        Good luck with it.

        • AcidSmiley [she/her]@hexbear.netOP
          1 year ago

          I think in future, especially in broad left spaces, I’d recommend hiding your power level and avoiding getting too involved in ideological debates.

          Yeah, i normally do that, but it’s a server where it’s fine to post guillotine memes about billionaires and one girl was talking about how she wanted to join a trot org yesterday. There’s daily active posters with hamsic profile pics. I was under the assumption that voicing my opinion in a non-sectarian way would be completely alright, my posts also got a few thumbs ups and this under them as well. That place isn’t hexbear, but it was the last place outside of here or lemmygrad where i would’ve expected to get into trouble for letting the mask slip. Like i said, the ban came completely unexpected, it’s purest sectarianism or maybe personal animosity against me or both, idk.

        • AcidSmiley [she/her]@hexbear.netOP
          1 year ago

          Congrats on finding someone to meet up with! I hope you enjoy the sushi.

          Oh, and thanks for that, too. The pics on the menu look delicious and the girl i’m going with is just the sweetest person all around, i’m sure it’ll be great.

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Fucking labor aristocrats. They know they’re on the side of imperialism even if they don’t admit it, and that’s why they purge anyone who opposes the subjugation and enslavement of the global south.