Could be physical, mental, philosophical, religious etc
Walking. Long daily walks.
It changed (& helped save) my life.
Edit (to give some context):
When I started to walk, I was barely able to walk at all. Like, really, a few steps to get to the mailbox would kill me and have me lay on bed for hours. I was in a really bad, bad shape (in the head too). Nowadays, I will walk 8-10km every single day and, added to that, I will go everywhere walking if at all possible. I’m still not an athlete but at the least my body is not a dead weight anymore (I feel better in the head too). And it all changed the day I decided I would simply walk a little more. A few steps at first, and then more, and then more. I was impressed by the huge impact of a seemingly little change. I celebrated each ‘win’ (the first time I walked the block, the first kilometer, and so on) and I never blamed myself for the (many) fails. Instead, I tried to analyze the reasons why I failed so I could do better next time.Agreed so much. There is a good mental component to walking outside. It helps me de-compress the day. I also make a point to walk 6/7 days even if it’s raining or cold or just miserable outside.
It doesn’t need to be much, a 20 minute walk each day is way better than none at all.
It doesn’t need to be much, a 20 minute walk each day is way better than none at all.
Exactly, I could see the effect on me (body and mind…soul?) very quickly, and back then I walked not much at all :)
This is solid advice and a well-written post. Thank you!
Thank you :)
Don’t compare yourself to others, compare yourself to your past self.
Oddly, that works in negatively for me.
If you dream of a past high point and wish to return to it, it’s better to use it as inspiration and look to create new high points that belong to your current self.
If more of us were doing that, the world would most certainly be a much, much less shittier place than it is!
I’m still fat by these rules … damn
I deamericanized my social media on the wake of the Trump electoral win. Desubbed from US Youtube channels, blocked magazines here that mostly deal with US politics while keeping world politics, unfollowed Masto and Bluesky accounts using similar rules.
I thought it may be an empty gesture, but… no, no it wasn’t. My social media is healthier, I’m more keyed in to domestic news. Apparently somebody shot an American CEO and I’m not sure when it happened or what’s up with that because all my feeds are about France and South Korea, which are objectively way more important.
If you’re not American, consider it. Walk away from the cultural imperialism. It’ll only become a better choice over time now.
I’d even say to consider it if you are American. There is so much great stuff out there that you only find outside the bubble.
Thanks for this, I might have to try it this new year. I’m not conservative, so the coming Trump administration will emotionally affect me.
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If I choose to do something later, put it physically in the way.
Trash needs taking out, but I’ll do it in the morning? Put it in front of the door.
It is both a reminder and an obstacle to overcome.
Are you my wife?
I call this “physical memory”. If you struggle with remembering things, you can organize your space to augment your memory. It’s VERY effective and is often simpler/easier than writing things down.
Also, if you are living with someone who does this, for the love of god, do not move their stuff without asking. You are basically erasing part of their memory and setting them up for failure.
Immediately tossing negative/intruding thoughts when i think them. It took a year or two to start doing it so naturally i didn’t even realize i was doing it.
Huge game changer with depression, and just life in general.
Drink water. Just have a waterbottle within arms reach and take a sip every so often. Makes way more of a difference that you would think with very little effort and eventually becomes a habit, making it take even less effort.
This is even more important as it may also force you to get up and go to pee now and then, which may save someone from building stones.
My 1.5 liter water bottle is one of the most useful items I’ve ever bought in my life
Flossing is great. Don’t gamble with your long-term oral health, which can have devastating consequences on your overall quality of life.
Using those small “circular toothbrushes” is even better, flossing forces the teeth to move a little when you force it in.
Source: my dentist.
Which one is that?
Even better, check out a Waterpik. Basically power wash everything out. Feels so much nicer than floss.
Waterpik is great, but it’s not as good as flossing. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of done though!
Adding on to this, the easiest way of implementing this habit is to keep a bag of floss picks at your desk. Seriously, I don’t even think about flossing anymore, I just do it when I’m bored or have an idle moment. My gums have never been healthier!
Also, there’s studies recently saying not flossing can lead to a higher chance of dementia, as the rotting tooth can go to the brain
- Meditating (not very good at it, but getting better and it’s seriously helping)
- Blocking Reddit on my router, blocking political communities in Lemmy
- A consistent, normal sleeping schedule (a bedtime routine is more important than a morning routine, imo)
- Yoga every morning to help my body work with me throughout the day
- Reading more books
- Getting outside more often
- Paying closer attention to the thoughts that cross through my mind and stopping them when they’re not helpful - this also helped me realize the underlying anxiety that’s been with me for who knows how many years
- Drinking more water
Edit: Oh I also:
- Quit drinking alcohol, almost at the 1 year mark
- Quit smoking weed, almost at 2 months fully sober now
I did these things one at a time, not everything at once. Mostly just sharing what I did here, but if you plan to do the same - listen to yourself. Start with #7 imo so you get a better idea of what you’re up against. If it feels like too much, take a step back and slow down. You’re not failing when you do this, you’re helping your future self not fail entirely.
Oh at the first two words of point 8., I thought there is finally something not like what every adult would tell youngsters again and again, but no. Water. You said water. What a missed opportunity!
But in all seriousness, very good tips, all of them. I’m implementing all of them (though I’m struggling with 4 and 6), I would add just one and a half:
- No phones in bedroom. This is the absolute prerequisite for number 3 (sleep schedule) and can be an enabler for reading books.
- You may or may not get enough excercise from yoga and getting outside. If needed, add more.
Taking walks
Using a calendar religiously.
To remind you when it’s Sunday?
I have ADHD, and relying on calendar and reminders applications have been the single biggest improvement for me other than medication.
Disabled the Shorts section on YouTube with an extension. Drastically reduced spaced out doomscrolling.
Taking walks. It made me more aware of how isolation changed my perception of the world.
Things are uglier now that I’m no longer used to it. The garbage, the decay, the lack of maintenance everywhere, things feel unclean. I feel unclean.
So I try to be cleaner and look after my own garbage. But man do I hate random people sneezing around me!
“Achievement unlocked! You now have Mysophobia! Your prize is a pack of tissues.”
“Perfect is the enemy of good enough” This changed my view about so many things: Exercise, it’s fine if I don’t go 100% everyday. Work, it’s perfectly fine to negotiate agreements. Etc.
20 pushups every morning before my shower. My back is a not cured, but a lot better for it.
Started my fitness journey during covid and one thing I can recommend which is non-obvious to those who haven’t been training all their lives is progressive overload:
If you’re doing 20 pushups this month, do 21 next month, then 22 the month after, etc. Keep pushing yourself and you’ll get stronger than you ever though possible. Take it at your own pace though, if you push too hard it’s easy to hurt yourself.
Just 80 more pushups a day then work on 100 sit ups and 100 squats a day. Screw the 10K run.
What’s so magic about the number 100?
I was going to respond with a gif but the fact that someone on a health/medical website had to write this is funnier than anything I could have found:
It was interesting to read that. Of course you can’t start doing that kind of workout right off the bat. You need to work up to it! Also, of course the workout regimine from “One Punch Man” isn’t well balanced, he is training to be able to punch well, not focused on general health.
Are people seriously just jumping into this routine as a means of getting fit?
Are people seriously just jumping into this routine as a means of getting fit?
I’m sure there’s someone, but its mostly just a meme. Even in the context of the show, its played as a joke.
One Punch Man fitness routine.
Loosing weight starts at the supermarket.
If you decide to buy sugary delicacies, you’ll have to resist the temptation at home, which you’ll inevitably fail. Just skip that boss fight entirely by not buying tempting things in the first place. Ok, maybe once a week, but certainly not every other day. You just need to resist the temptation for a few minutes at the store. Once you’re at home, you have no option but to eat normal food, because unhealthy food simply isn’t available.