I haven’t seen any Marxist trying to claim the CEO was “working class” or that he was merely responding to stakeholders, moreover the idea that Marxists have never achieved change ignores the existence of the USSR, Cuba, PRC, Vietnam, Laos, and so forth. Additionally, we should not lionize a radlib with socially reactionary “anti-DEI” views, support for the feds, etc.
Adventurism can be fun to watch, it was cool that an awful person got domed and everyone is celebrating. This is a signifier of radicalization and readiness for actual organization and change, right wing pundits like Shapiro misjudged their mostly proletarian audience and assumed they would condemn the violnece as well, and this is actually unifying the proletariat as a whole.
At the same time, adventurism is adventurism, not change. When the SRs in pre-1917 Russia celebrated “an end to theory” as a unifying principle and claimed “assassinations transfer power,” they were wrong. Assassinations create temporary voids taken by those closest to the spot, always another bourgeois and never a transfer. What is required is organized effort to rise above the Bourgeoisie as a class so that Capital is controlled by humanity, and not the inverse. It was the dedication to theory and organizing the working class that proved the Bolsheviks, and not the SRs, correct.
Theory remains critical, because it is the only way to turn revolutionary energy into revolutionary outcomes. For anyone wanting to start that journey, I have an introductory Marxist reading list.
moreover the idea that Marxists have never achieved change ignores the existence of the USSR, Cuba, PRC, Vietnam, Laos, and so forth.
The Westoid Brain is incapable of appreciating AES. Everything is either Not Real Communism or a book club that contemplates their own navels indefinitely.
When the SRs in pre-1917 Russia celebrated “an end to theory” as a unifying principle and claimed “assassinations transfer power,” they were wrong. Assassinations create temporary voids taken by those closest to the spot, always another bourgeois and never a transfer. What is required is organized effort to rise above the Bourgeoisie as a class so that Capital is controlled by humanity, and not the inverse. It was the dedication to theory and organizing the working class that proved the Bolsheviks, and not the SRs, correct.
Need that vanguard party to occupy the vacuum and initiate the reforms. It can’t just be stochastic violence.
That said, guys like Luigi aren’t operating in a vacuum either. They are the consequence of their material conditions (in this case, excruciating back pain in a country that refuses to deliver medical care in an efficient manner). So it seems trite to get mad at a man who was subjected to these horrifying economic forces. This stochastic violence is a consequence of the contradictions in the capitalist system, not a solution to it or an avoidable symptom of it.
You have to read guys like Luigi (and Thomas Matthew Crooks and Dylan Roof, etc, etc) the same way you’d read a cork going off a bottle you just shook up. Or the hurricane that slams into your coastline after decades of climate change. Praising Luigi for offing a CEO makes about as much sense as praising a tornado that levels a gas plant.
I 100% agree with your last paragraph in particular, Luigi is a natural consequence more than anything else. I am not condemning his actions either, just refusing to lionize him as that places himself and thus his reactionary views and adventurism over the real and practical unity going on right now.
As for a lack of appreciation for AES, I try to devote a good chunk of time to combatting myths and contextualizing them because it’s such an important fight for showing that we can do better.
moreover the idea that Marxists have never achieved change ignores the existence of the USSR, Cuba, PRC, Vietnam, Laos, and so forth
I think they meant that “we” are the target of the meme as the virgin Marxists not successful revolutions of the past.
Then you run into the reality that Luigi didn’t actually change anything either, it was just a cool and unifying moment and will likely get swept under the rug with some minor concessions if we don’t take advantage of this unity and push for organization. Assassination has never transfered power from one class to another, revolution has, and revolution requires organization.
I personally believe Marxist analysis still holds up under scrutiny despite the lack of a western revolution, moreover the fact that the proletariat is celebrating across party lines lends credibility to the idea of increasing radicalization among the proletariat as conditions worsen.
Absolutely, not arguing about any of that just wanted to point out where I thought the focus was on that one part.
Excuse me you’re wrong because unlike the plebs that get their ideology from the Joker movie which is fake and bad, I get my ideology from the CEO murder adventurism that happens on the news which is cool and good.
I appreciate what Luigi did, but also keep in mind that he believes Tucker Carlson’s great replacement shit. This kid isn’t the Messiah. Just another example of someone supporting the leopard-eating-faces party.
That’s half the point. The guy has no consistent thought process. But instead of dwelling on theory for decades, he recognized someone who was clearly responsible for evil and took action.
At one point people need to quit theory and undertake action. For Luigi it was clearly prematurely. But he somehow decided to dome one of the most universally hated individuals.
Do you have a source/link/screenshot about that? All I can find is a retweet of Carlson’s thoughts on modern architecture
This link only mentions the architecture thing?
It includes this screenshot, but I’m not familiar enough with twitter to tell if Luigi supports/retweeted or responded to that ‘meme’ (if it can be called that)
None of the images in the posted link show any kind of right wing thinking, simply him responding to right wing ideas, often more thoughtfully than alot of people would. Whoever that max person is might have been a close friend, in which case any leftist knows you sometimes have to temper your arguments to try to gradually get through to people. Even the architecture thing, hes talking about how material conditions have shaped and caused the “oppressiveness” that carlson calls out, whereas tucker is claiming its intentionally designed to make people miserable or some shit.
This is dumb in a lot of ways but ill pick the most glaring two. Firstly no marxist would consider a CEO working class. Secondly Luigi clearly read a ton of books.
Hey there, “doesn’t read”? That’s not true.
I think you should see his Amazon page. He does read a lot of books
He respects the feds so no he does not.
deleted by creator
Thank you Luigi for freeing me from the chains of capitalism
Oh wait, his CEO killing changed nothing. Okay back to work I guess.