financial burden = the quality of life I want to offer my child(ren) can’t be reached, even compromising.
psychological damage = my ability to raise a healthy child is high but not high enough, I don’t want to raise another drone like me whose self worth is coupled to their productivity in society.
ecological damage = another human
emotional damage = I would break to know my child will suffer. The rise of racism, climate change, war… I don’t want to raise meat for the meat grinder.
Long story short, there are many points on the list, but at this stage I don’t trust humanity with my offspring. Everything else could be sorted out.
Definitely seems the prevailing attitude on Lemmy, at this point if people said they WERE having kids I’d be more surprised.
Wanted to but got red pilled into:
Long story short, there are many points on the list, but at this stage I don’t trust humanity with my offspring. Everything else could be sorted out.