For me it was only 2 out of at least 3, if I count “hear about” as being more than a casual mention (I wanted the title to be shorter but I actually mean looking up as in reading an article about, to find who / what / why / etc.), and if I ignore the cache of explosives found in Virginia.

For context, the three that I mean were: the driver in New Orleans, the truck explosion in Las Vegas, and the shooting in New York. (Edit: people are saying that the last one is not strictly speaking related to terrorism, at least that we know of. A better title for this post would have been “violent” rather than “terrorist” events.)

Damn, we sure live in “interesting” times! 🙄

    2 months ago

    Holy shit. I only heard about the one in New Orleans.

    Mass violence sincerely scares me. I work at a big chain that’s seen enough shootings that I feel like my location is bound to have one eventually. We already got a violent suicide, nowhere near the same thing but it definitely doesn’t help those feelings, being so close to something so awful.