• HappySkullsplitter@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    It’s great when a professor can be inspirational

    I had to learn math out of desperation. Unbeknownst to me because I had terrible math teachers, I had a natural talent for math.

    It wasn’t until I joined the military after high school that the military discovered my math abilities on the ASVAB and put me in a job that required a lot of math.

    Every class for my job had an intense amount of math that gained significant difficulty with each passing grade. It was either pass the class or get reclassed to a guaranteed terrible job not of your choosing.

    Grinding out math became my only focus for 10-12 hours a day out of fear of severe penalty

    Made me wish I had decent math teachers back in school, I felt like I was operating with a handicap

    • Sabre363@sh.itjust.works
      1 month ago

      Math is really one of those core subjects that really needs to be taught better in schools, and anxiety inducing penalties are never the right way to go about it.

      I think everyone should know math at least up to trigonometry, its surprisingly important just in everyday life and knowing math unlocks a lot of skills in life. Just think about how much math is used in the trades, cooking, running a business, doing drugs, going shopping, etc. As a tutor I used to see so many people that just couldn’t even do basic order of operations or understand negative numbers. This was never a case of unintelligent, more a failing of their education. These people were, much like you, genuinely operating with a handicap of understanding and academic support.