
I would like to provide a little bit of motivation to our current Democratic politicians.

Question for you all: What happens to the opposing politicians of dictators?


What happens? Quickly?

Y’all are fighting this as like business as usual but you know it isn’t, you went to those fancy schools, you studied history, you know the signs. You keep saying that Trump is the new tiny mustache man. You are calling what he does fascism.

What happens to the opposing politicians under those regimes?

And it’s not like you can hide anywhere. We have your voting records, we have your quotes, we have you on video. They know where you stand. They’ve never gonna trust you, no-no-no. You’re more useful as an example.

So I would suggest to the Democratic party that you locate that Scooby Doo villian who apparently stole all of your spines and you start fighting like your life depends on it, because it probably does.

Stop being polite and nice to the people cosplaying as the bad guys from Indiana Jones.

By the way this message is not for AOC or Jasmine Crockett, y’all are made of steel. But for the rest of you, since y’all can’t be motivated by like you know basic human decency and protecting your constituents. Maybe you all can be motivated by the historic timeline that says YOU’RE NEXT


      1 month ago

      Their actions indicate to me they’re exaggerating his threat. His actions make me think this is crazy world and they’re not taking it seriously enough. Make it make sense.

    1 month ago

    Maybe they’ll start caring when they get removed for ‘ethics violations’ but even then they’ll just Trump isn’t playin their game fair. They either can’t see the game has changed or think they’re protected.