Coming across this at 9:02pm feels weird…
Edit: my phone autocucumbering “across” to “acid” did too.
You pee colored little shit
After 9 pm is my hard earned dopamine collection time. Its the only time i do get to feel good about my life because life has finnaly stopped bothering me trough responsibilities that remind me how shit my first world wage slave life is.
You dare deny me this ill fucking explode on you from unrelieved pressure.
This all you fault yellow sonic. All of it!!
this is horse shit. I feel horrible about my life in the morning. after 9 i go out in my back garden and take deep breaths and look at the stars
Here I made this for you
Omygosh a personal meme. Thank you this legit cranked me up.
Idk if you meant “cracked me up”, but I have got to start saying “cranked me up”
Soulja Boy
Subrule: Trust the feeling if it still exists at noon the next day
Got it. I now don’t trust any feeling I have while sleeping.
Or while awake the next day. 9 pm is going to come tonight, and I can never trust again.
Thanks, Blaze.
Especially if you’re feeling good about it, because it’s most likely just being polite.