Because this needs to be a regular thing, come forward warriors and announce the feats you have achieved! For the glory of the Empire!
I planted many flower, herb and tomato seeds in trays, according to the directions on the packets! FTGOTE
May your harvest be bountiful, for the glory of the Empire!
I fed my son and rocked him to sleep, for the glory of the Empire and the House of Fry!
A strong house is the foundation is of the ever lasting glory of the Empire! Glory to you and the warrior to be you nurture! Honour be upon the House of Fry!
I both mourned the death and celebrated the life of someone who recently passed, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
That is the way of the noble warrior: to mourn the loss but revel in the glory of the life of those who walked along them. Glory to you and your house!
Glory to you, your house, and the house of David Johansen, a warrior and entertainer!
Indeed! Qapla to a life well lived!
I planted tomato seeds for the glory of the Empire!
Food for the warriors, conservation for the crops! Glory to your house!
What variety, for the glory of the Empire?
The cherry kind for the glory of the empire!
Bite-sized, so a warrior may conveniently carry them into battle!
I took my meds and made some tasty food and drinks for my loved ones FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
Self care and care for those of your! A great leader of a great house! Honour to your name and house!
I will do my best to match this honour!
How are you and your house doing?
Taunting the stiffling cold while preparing hot beverages. We will prevail!
I replaced a valve cover gasket for the glory of the Empire!
Maintaning machinery for battle readiness! A noble deed!
I drank a mocha, for the warriors of the empire who’s songs will forever be sung
Weeeeeeeell… I’m not lying on this now: Taking a shit for the glory of the empire!
Empty bowels are strong bowels! Glory to you!
You should indeed not be lying on your shit. You would look like 2 weeks old Rokeg!
I ate crazy bread! For the glory of the Empire!
Explain what such bread is, brave warrior.
Cheap bread sticks from Little Ceasers pizza. Not too bad if eaten fresh.
The warrior replenishes their strenght for another battle! Wise!
Glory to you and your house! The Empire grows stronger through your feat! FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
you got married then directly after you got on Lemmy?! that’s dedication
ps cong rats!
Congratulations!! FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!
You have joined two honorable houses together, qapla!
I marinated the porkchops, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
A feast in preparation! The warriors will fight with renewed vigour to enjoy it! Glory to your name!
Dislocated my thumb; for the glory of the Empire!
Also had to put our dog to sleep; for the glory of the Empire‽ His death was an honorable one and we will meet again for battle in Sto-vo-kor!
Also, ate cake for my birthday… FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!
It’s been a long week y’all lol
We shall mourn the loss of a warriors companion and forever sing songs on their name. May their name never be forgotten! Glory to their name and house!
And in their honour we shall celebrate another cycle completed by you, great warrior, and wish for your quick recovery from such injury.
For the glory of the Empire! Praise be upon you and your house!
I rubbed my dog’s belly, for the glory of the empire.
The wise warrior takes good care of their companion beasts. Much honour is to be found in such small gestures. Glory to your name!
I held our cat while my wife trimmed its nails FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE
Glory to your name! You stood strong to make tame the most dangerous of beasts that share the warriors house and helped tending for its well being!
Damn, dude. We were just looking for minor tales of valor and not harrowing survival accounts. I assume you’re okay, because you’re at least able to type. Imagine clipping the nails of one of the deadliest predators of all time as a domestic routine because it lives in your home. I have no words, except, GLORY TO YOU AND YOUR HOUSE!
I salute your bravery and the blood you spilled, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
As a fellow cat-holder while your spouse trims their claws, Glory to you and your House!
The Empire marches at your call! Glory to your name!