Due to an immediate family member’s prolonged illness and recent passing, I’ve had very little time to work on Tesseract as of late. This is purely a bugfix release that I’ve had ready to go for several weeks but haven’t had the time to put together and ship out.
I’m not sure when regular development will resume , so for now, the project is sidelined and basically in maintenance mode for the time being. I would love to get some other contributors on board as developing this has taken up far too much of my time. If you’re interested in helping out with this project, please let me know.
- “Application Denial Reason” heading was showing on applications that were not yet processed.
- Formatting help modal wasn’t closing with new modal method. Removed this since it was not particularly useful. May re-implement it in a different way.
- Scroll the subscribed community list in sidebar and community menu back to top when clearing results or clicking the “clear” button.
- HTML-like syntax in markdown now rendered correctly as text
- Compact video post titles were not correctly setting
state - Compact video post titles were not correctly detecting
New Markdown Editor Behavior
You can now select multiple lines of text and apply block quote, numbered, or bullet list to the selection.
Get Tesseract
- Github
- Hosted Instance
That’s cool. I’ve never messed with Nix, and I’m so out of my wheelhouse even looking at that, but it’s still cool.
Yup. I knew I forgot something. Was just trying to get this bugfix release out and off my plate and forgot to merge. Will try to address that tomorrow if time allows.