All these Europeans seeing train stations while us North Americans wish we had train stations.
I legit thought this was a photo of a train station
Next stop, devastation of Kentucky’s economy.
I can’t see it any other way. Those are some massive wine bottles.
As a Californian whose mom is Canadian, I’m saddened but completely understand. A lot whole lot of us west coast folk stand with you brave northerners. For freedom and justice, stand up, fight back.
Opening the image before reading the caption: Why is there a tiny ledge extending over that train line on the platform at California station?
I’ve read your comment and looked back and I still see a train station. What is it supposed to be?
This is depicting empty metal shelving. What looks like rails for a train is the lip of a shelf. What looks like the near-side of the tracks is the floor, and what looks like the far side of the tracks is the top of the shelving. That little balcony seems to be some place for displaying featured products of some sort.
Definitely hard to break the image of a train platform though.
Even after the caption, my brain had to adjust for the human sized wine bottles waiting for their morning commute
Good. Canada is finally not just an economic appendage to the USA. Regardless of which party or president is running the show, Canadian politicians should remember how quickly they derailed us for their own gain.
Great news for the economy in my home state (Cali).
Friendship ended with drive through liquor stores now train station liquor store is my new best friend.
i’ve ordered a box of Sortilège to Germany, that’s the good stuff
Dude! Hell yes. Try some in your coffee in the morning;)
oh wow this opens new possibilities 🤩
Literally the best. No creamer needed I find
i’ll report tomorrow after breakfast!
okay it’s just amazing, what have I done all these years 🤩
Hopefully they can soon use that empty space for booze from other provinces.