A community to discuss carrying concealed handguns. Please feel free to post
your EDC, ask equipment questions, discuss ammo & technique, etc. Rules: 1. No
politics - this forum is for people who are interested in CCW. We can add links
in this sidebar to more politics-oriented forums if you want to create one &
share it with the mods. 2. Be civil - be polite to each other. No mean-spirited
insults or attacks. 3. Do not incite violence - discussions or defensive uses of
firearms are fine. Suggesting that others commit illegal violent acts is not.
Links: - The reddit CCW forum [https://www.reddit.com/r/CCW/] is very active,
while Lemmy communities usually take quite a while to build up a user base.
Banner photo by Bo Harvey [https://unsplash.com/@bharvey0925]
Ah, it’s showing up for me now. Must not of federated out yet when I responded.
Good luck with your new community.