The price drop is because of market manipulation and the current price doesn't represent fundamentals. We all know GME is worth more.

But the price has been gradually decreasing ever since the January 2021 sneeze and this thread over at SS suggests the line reaches 0 around 1/1/2024.

I don't think it will actually hit 0 but I know I'm going to be buying more in November and December.

Point is don't let this rattle you. I bought my first share at $448.30 so why wouldn't I buy more at $1?

The finish line isn't out of reach any more. We're going to lock the float, and we're going to do it fast. Buckle your seatbelts.

    1 year ago

    I'm not sure that's an accurate characterization.

    Do you believe "Wall Street" is - overarching-ly - honest and integrity-laden?

        1 year ago

        What? Because at the end of the day this is about exposing corruption and injustice for a huge amount of people.

        I think you’re entirely dismissing (actually I don’t think that, I can see that and know that) the huge contingency of people across the world invested solely to expose corruption, fraud, and deception - and bring those who perpetuate it to justice. Anything related to a possible monetary gain is completely ancillary.

        If my investment of $20 in one share of the stock that is DRSed equates to being one drop in the ocean that turns the tide, then that’s well-worth it to me, my progeny, and species - not to mention all other species on the planet. Even if the odds are against me/us, the odds/benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.

          1 year ago

          Yes, I am absolutely dismissing the people throwing their money at this as a heroic yadda yadda against vague evils. Because that’s fucking nonsense. You’re wasting your money on a dying retail chain. That did manage to fuck up some brokers, doing the less-egregious version of vulture capitalism - but that’s over, now. And the end result was, other vulture capitalists sucked up all the money from those dead brokers.

          The same event cannot happen again, because you don’t have anywhere near the amount of people and money involved, and the specific underlying mechanisms were fixed. “Fixed” meaning, from the perspective of those greedy assholes. They’re quite good at that. It’s how they got all of the fucking money. Including, now, yours.

          If my investment of $20 in one share of the stock that is DRSed equates to being one drop in the ocean that turns the tide


          There are no odds involved. That is simply not a thing that can happen. It is a comforting lie.

          Having ink-on-paper proof! that you own some sliver of a dead retailer will accomplish literally nothing in terms of the global financial system.

          Anything related to a possible monetary gain is completely ancillary.

          Then do me a huge favor and explain that to the people saying this stock is absodefinitively going to skyrocket back up to eleventeen Brazilian dollars. Their commitment is somehow more cult-like than the crusaders against etc., to the point all they can do when asked why is insist on their unshakable belief and offer performative smiles. If they’re only with you because they expect money you know is not coming, you owe them a wake-up call.

            1 year ago

            Then do me a huge favor and explain that to the people saying this stock is absodefinitively going to skyrocket back up to eleventeen Brazilian dollars.

            This is classic cherry-picking, straw-man building, and dismissing of the larger issue/s.

            There are “scientists” who say climate change is a complete hoax. That doesn’t make all scientists unaware of the larger reality.

            You keep saying something like “dying brick and mortar” and “dead retailer” as if that is unassailable. It’s, in fact, making you look like a complete friggin’ Duning-Kruger poster child.

            The company is - in no uncertain terms - a “dead retailer.” It is also, in some certain and uncertain terms, not “dying” - though is certainly, unequivocally, improving quarter over quarter at this point with possible revenue and income generators related to decentralized platforms coming into the mix. Will it end up bankrupt/out-of-business in 100 years? Quite possible, I guess. In 10 years? No way whatsoever.

              1 year ago

              ‘Every single reply has been one of two kinds of nonsense.’

              ‘Well that sounds like cherry-picking.’


              That doesn’t make all scientists unaware of the larger reality.

              In this stupid metaphor, I am asking you to go chew out those dissenters, as much as you’re chewing out me. In theory they should piss you off as much as I piss you off. In practice - doesn’t seem to bother you.

              as if that is unassailable


              By all means, assail it. Assailment is what I keep fucking asking for, and when I wrote what you’re quoting, not a single person had even tried. Not even you.

              Thank you for breaking the streak and at least trying… in this thread. Shame about the other one where you were equally confused about ‘why own this stock?’ versus ‘why own this stock?’, as if anyone but y’all gives two shits about DRS.

                1 year ago

                It’s been assailed.

                …a company that is cash flow positive (Free Cash Flow; FCF), no long term debt, ~$1B in cash/treasuries and another ~$1B inventory, moving into the “digital property rights” space, which has been missing from the internet since it was invented – all lead by a team assembled via a 30-something billionaire entrepreneur who took Amazon to the cleaners with Chewy. A company trading at less than 2X assets alone, while currently undervalued by Morningstar where insiders are buying far, far, far more than selling.

                You ignore the 1/3 DRS out of ignorance, which I will humor you by not including it here again, but - *once more8 - makes you look dishonest and uneducated when it comes to the larger context and associated dynamics. Having been in the markets for over two decades now, I can tell you that if only from a human psychological perspective, totally ignoring actual mathematics, a company that has such a high rate of stocks in individual owners’ names is valuable from a narrative and “fomo” aspect - on which much of the market works now, particularly in the age of the internet and ~light-speed communication.

                  1 year ago

                  Stop replying in three places and then getting mad when I address each post.

                  Stop ignoring when I say shit like “when I wrote what you’re quoting.”

                  if only from a human psychological perspective, totally ignoring actual mathematics, a company that has such a high rate of stocks in individual owners’ names is valuable from a narrative and “fomo” aspect

                  Cult. Ignore math, embrace groupthink.

                  You’re describing an irrational bubble, driven by narrative. People buying in because people bought in. Line-go-up thinking. A craze, in other words.

                  ‘Two decades in the market,’ and not only do you accuse me of being swayed by Wall Street propaganda, you’re in here pounding the table about the solid economic value of… a bunch of newbies playing follow-the-leader. You even end it with a description of fake-world economics, where ‘how markets work now’ is all image, all facade, with the actual production of goods and services distant and disconnected from whether anyone makes money.

                    1 year ago

                    You’re the one ignoring math when it comes to 1/3 of one company being DRSed. How that relates to market mechanics and associated buying/selling/trading - reducing supply - is important and valuable.

                    Geebus. You really are making a fool of yourself.