The price drop is because of market manipulation and the current price doesn't represent fundamentals. We all know GME is worth more.

But the price has been gradually decreasing ever since the January 2021 sneeze and this thread over at SS suggests the line reaches 0 around 1/1/2024.

I don't think it will actually hit 0 but I know I'm going to be buying more in November and December.

Point is don't let this rattle you. I bought my first share at $448.30 so why wouldn't I buy more at $1?

The finish line isn't out of reach any more. We're going to lock the float, and we're going to do it fast. Buckle your seatbelts.

    1 year ago

    I’m so glad you wanna save me from my cult investment. I should just go sell right now 😭 /s

    You know, every cent I invested was money I could afford to lose. Not one person in this “cult” has told me to invest more than I could lose. Nobody is demanding my first born here. No mandatory meetings where we ritually sacrifice a goat on a dimly candle-lit pentagram. I suppose your local comedy club is a “cult” because they like Rodney Dangerfield over George Carlin. Choosing loaded words like “cult” shows your bias and disinterest in having constructive conversation. But keep up the white knight crusade against GME 👏 Hope you’re at least getting paid to spread FUD.

      1 year ago

      Not one person in this “cult” has told me to invest more than I could lose.

      There is a guy in this thread who got evicted.

      Reaching a conclusion is not bias.

      I’m not against this company. I don’t care about this company. I’m only talking about this insular community’s bizarre devotion to it - and bluntly describing what that looks like, to someone who’s not literally invested in a particular outcome.

      Whether or not you all get rich, somehow, all of this will have been textbook cult-like behavior: contrarian explanations of obvious problems, obsession with private vocabulary, grand claims of fighting evil (world-endingly strong and all-encompassing, yet defeatable with this one weird trick), etc., etc., etc. This is all kind of dumb. That’s the long and short of the problem. It’s not a threat to anyone but people who absofuckinglutely invested more than they could afford, on your glowing advice and grand claims, and it’s almost certainly going to end with a bunch of folks clutching certificates for five percent of nothing.

      That you think anyone gives enough of a shit to pay people to make fun of you is itself a clue. No nation-state or megacorporation cares about your death-grip on a slice of a Radio Shack also-ran. It says a lot about the mindset of this group, that you suggest persecution fantasies whenever bystanders ask ‘what the fuck are you doing’ and are unimpressed by the answer.