oh fuck they were going to france
Hundred years war 2!
Hundred years war 2!
You liked the first so much have a sequel.
Guerre de Cent Ans 2 ? Je pensais que nous étions alliés ?
That’s what we wanted you to think!
🎵 Rule_Britannica.mp3 🎶
Am american. do not understand. live in a state that is 1000 miles wide.
The size difference is getting to me too lol
I used to drive a 200 mile round trip weekly to visit home while I was in college.
Houston to East Texas is a fun drive.
I had a german professor once remark to me about how different Americans are, like hundreds of miles is a day trip, hundreds of miles is a week long trip by car. Bet the trains are awesome though. Amtrak long distances seems way too expensive relative to my other options when factoring in time.
“An Englishman thinks a hundred miles is a long way; an American thinks a hundred years is a long time.”
Your professor said it the best way possible. I’ll remember that saying to help explain it all in the future if needed to others.
I had a professor who loved Amtrak and would talk about his travels every month or so. He mentioned the price too as an issue. I definitely want to experience a train ride on Amtrak one day on an overnight trip.
Houston isn’t East Texas?
East Texas is more when it gets woody and Louisiana-lite. Houston is sorta on the edge.
Lufkin/Carthage/Nacogdoches/Tyler is more east Texas than Houston.
Thanks. From MT everything east of the rockies is Eastern MT (or as we call it, West Dakota).
A 1000 mile radius does cover a chunk of the US. Centered on Denver it covers basically everything west of Michigan (excl Alaska and Hawaii of course).
They never said that they were walking on a straight line
Right. You need a proper isochrones map to visualize this based on walking routes.
Thanks. Now I have a new hyper focus to work on.
There are services that will generate isochrones of walk travel time for you, but they usually charge a small API fee for the calculations
Thanks I’m half way through learning how to generate maps with D3.JS
This just in!
The Proclaimers are actually Jesuses with their amazing ability to walk on water
Also thought, I wanna see someone cross Switzerland in a laterally straight line
This map made me realize how small Great Britain really is. I drive 550 miles to visit my mom in the US, Great Britain is only 600 miles long from north to south.
I’m gonna say it.
Even though we’re fucking tiny. We were some proper nasty bastards.
I’ve never read a comment with an English accent before
This weekend I drove over 500 miles to get to the Oregon coast from a neighboring state of which I live close to the border. The total distance I traveled could have taken me from Spain into France then into to Italy and then end up in like Switzerland or Austria or Slovenia or something. Could see Barcelona, Marseille, Florence, Milan, Zurich, but instead I saw hundreds of miles of nothing and then the Pacific ocean lol.
And other countries wonder why we drive everywhere lol. Everything is so far!!
Is this a nuclear blast radius map?
So basically they just really wanted to go to Iceland. Cool!
TIL the proclaimers were both jesus somehow.
Man Europe is hilariously small! Don’t get me wrong, it’d love to abandon the US and live there. It’s just mind blowing the perspective this map gives.
With around 10.5 Mio square Kilometer surface it is a bit larger than the USA with around 9.8 Mio square Kilometer area.
You’re comparing continents and countries.
North America is over twice as large. So yes, from anyone on this side of the pond it’s tiny.
Yeah Europe is a bunch of counties and an entire continent. United States is just 1 country and half a continent
Not talking shit at all, I love how small Europe is. A few hours in a train and you’re in a brand new culture with a brand new language
Thank God. Gibraltar is safe.
I’d like to see on Google Maps how far The Empire of The Proclaimers truly is when it’s put on roads.
It’s weird that they wrote miles instead of kilometers
I would walk 804.672 kilometres just doesn’t have the same ring to it
The UK uses miles. They mostly use the metric system, but there are a few cases where they use the imperial system (like distance)
And assume online that everyone else does.
Other languages have words to describe lengths in a more “poetic” way.
In Spanish we have “leguas” which I’m sure was a unit of length, but gun to my head, can’t tell how far one is.
A while back someone posted a meteor sim type web experience thing where you were given a map of the world and some settings where you could adjust the size, density, material, speed, angle and impact site of a meteor and then get shown what would happen.
I dropped a Texas sized iron meteor at the max speed it went up to directly on a hotel in the downtown area of my city and got some circles like this. My home was juuuuuust on the outside of them, and I thought “Huh. I guess we’d be fine then.”
Nope. That was just the size of the hole it would make. There was a next tab showing the explosion and it basically covered the entire United States, Mexico and most of Canada. lol
Visualising it, it’s nowhere near as far as it sounds.
Hmm, looks like France and Germany are each smaller than Texas. Didn’t realize that.
I don’t believe any country in Europe is bigger than Texas. Better maybe, but not bigger.
Well said
Shouldn’t the center be Ireland though?
Why would it be Ireland? They’re from Edinburgh.
They drink in my local pub.
For some reason I thought they were Irish. I guess I should have known, their accents are thick enough.