Has anyone here read Artemis Fowl series? Thinking about getting it for my kid. Was wondering if it is fine for 8-9 year old kid.
Also, any other recommendations? He loved Diary of the Wimpy Kid, but struggled to get into Harry Potter.
I was about that age when I first read the Fowl books, and they were some of my favorites! There were a few concepts that I didn’t fully understand at the time (e.g., I wasn’t sure what the Russian mafia was when they discussed it in book 2), but overall there’s nothing horribly traumatizing for a child in there. Your kid will be fine!
Thanks for you input! Much appreciated.
Artemis fowl is great at that age.
There’s still the occasional image, like in the series, the fairy language is read in a spiral, so there’s an image of it with a simple cipher so they can translate it themselves, and other bits like that.
The characters are funny, yet the plot remains serious.
While someone did point out there’s some serious things in there, they’re not actually explicit, it’s not worse than any other book. Harry Potter has murder, slavery, violence, Ave nazi-like cults, but that doesn’t mean it’s an adult-only book. It’s about the presentation of these themes. Artemis Fowl IS fairy Die Hard, but it’s not rated R, it’s written for kids, and I highly recommend it for yours, it was perfect for me at that age.
That’s actually a pretty valid point. Thanks for your comment.
It’s great for that age range. I loved those books near that age range.
Thanks for the input!
I read it around 12. I think 8-9 is still to young. Artemis Fowl is, by authors admition, “like die hard with fairies”. It has violence, drugs, kidnapping, death, psyhotic manipulators… Maybe wait a bit.
However, Narnia would be perfect for that age in my opinion.
Eh, my dad read me Jurassic Park at that age and I loved it. It all depends on the child. Most kids are more mature than you’d think if you give them the chance
Ah, thanks for the recommendation.
Would agree with this. 8-9 is a little young considering the heavy focus on entrapping others/being imprisoned/implied torture for the first few books. 11-12 would be more appropriate, especially with parental guidance.
Try Percy Jackson (and any other Riordan books) or Alcatraz vs The Evil Librarians by Brandon Sanderson
How’s Alcatraz vs The Evil Librarians? I am a big Brandon Sanderson fan, but haven’t gotten around to reading those yet.
I haven’t yet either but I’ve read his Cytonic stuff and while it’s not young enough, it’s younger. I imagine the Alcatraz one is really well done. My buddies 8 yr old read them and loved them.
Great user name btw
Thanks for the recommendation.
As for the username, thanks! And same goes to you. After creating the account, I thought “dresden” could be someone’s real name, maybe I should have gone with something more obvious, like “nine_fingers”, and then I saw your name. 😀
Haha. For me it was an opportunity to grab a name I couldn’t before. It was either this or “The Blackthorn”. I entertained “Waynes_Hat” too haha
You went with a good name, cause I don’t know any Blackthorn, and the only Wayne I know, doesn’t wear hats. 😀
You should check out Brandon Sanderson then!
Ah, Wax and Wayne!
I am a big Sanderson fan. Though, haven’t read all of his work yet. In Cosmere, I haven’t read the second era of the Mistborn and Rhythm of War. In non-cosmere, still have some stuff left, like Alcatraz series, Rithamist, Reckoner’s series. Skyward series (though I have all the Skyward books - minus Defiant - and plan to start it soon). Just finished Tress of the Emerald Sea couple of days ago. Really interesting read, highly recommended!
Also haven’t read any of his Graphics novels, or audiobooks… So much still to read!
Which one is The Blackthorn from?
Yes. Too bad Disney did a terrible job with the movie. It is bland.
I have never seen the movie actually. Guess I lucked out. 😀
If they like Artemis Fowl, I suggest a series by Suzanne Collins next. Gregor the Overlander is the series she wrote before the Hunger Games, and I remember enjoying it when I was around 12 years old
Thanks for the recommendation. Noting it down.
Give the Percy Jackson series a try
I read them quite a while ago, they felt more fun for YA than kids. Right?
I’d agree.
I read the Artemis Fowl books a good few years before Percy Jacksons, and they sat well with me.
I recall they could be somewhat graphic at times, so maybe check out some summaries before getting into each one, and space them out a bit?
Yeah, I am leaning towards reading them myself first. I love fantasy, so shouldn’t be an issue.
I’d pull back the Fowl series for a couple years. It’s got complicated issues involving consent, imprisonment, and violence in those situations that might not be very easy to contextually for someone that young. I was advanced for a reader at that age, but I found a lot of enjoyment in the Redwall series. It had great worldbuilding and an interesting setting for a kid just about that age. They might be a little difficult to get them to actually sit down and read though, as they are definitely larger books for children.
Yeah, I have seen kind of mixed response to this. So, going to read it myself first, and then decide.
Thanks for your input!
It’s hard finding kid appropriate content anymore, especially with relevance to wider literature influences. If you dont mind movies, have you considered Howard Lovecraft animated series?
Thanks. I have never heard of them, will check them out.
In general, we want to get him to reading, and away from the screens, but if it’s an interesting watch, we can set it for our movie nights.
I read them around that age and loved them. And I’ll second @LoganNineFingers@lemmy.ca: make them read Percy Jackson!
I also really like the Akata trilogy (Akata Witch is the first tome).
Thanks, I’ll check out the Akala Trilogy, and take another look at Percy Jackson too.
Been a qhile since I’ve read it, so I’m not fully certain. I believe it’s fine, but if you’re uncertain maybe wait a year. The similarities to Harry Potter aren’t too big, so I don’t think that is much of a factor. Then again, it has much more action than Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
Keep in mind as well that age appropriateness can change from kid to kid. It kinda depends on what things he’s been exposed to and been fine with in other media (i.e. Movies, games, etc.). Our input should help you make a decision, but we can’t make the decision for you.
I agree, I am looking for a general idea.
Thanks for the input!
Spiderwick Chronicles is fairly good for that age range.
I have heard the name of the series, but don’t know anything other than that. Will look into it. Thanks for the recommendation.
I enjoyed them in early highschool. I don’t think there’s any subject matter that isn’t appropriate for an 8-9yr old
Thanks for the input! Much appreciated.
I really just think about the dwarf who opened the butt flap on his pajamas and tunneled around.