Way of the road, Bubs
Fuckin’ way she goes
“kids can get their picture taken for only $5” How much for adults?
Everybody knows you’re supposed to throw your piss jugs up into the trees.
Way of the road, Bubs.
It’s literally AI art
It’s literally art
Bruh I giggled like a fucktard when I saw “urine trouble” for some reason I found that hilarious
I never towed banners myself, I went straight into instruction. But the guys pulling banners always talked about using a gatorade bottle half full of kitty litter.
Ya’ll…don’t use kitty litter?
I’ll photoshop myself into this one for free. It’ll take four hours to get it juuust right (because I suck at photo editing), but Ill convince myself it was worth it because I saved $5.
I need this guy on some of my job sites, I swear.
is this real because i love it
No, look at the shadow. It’s AI generated.
I don’t get why motherfuckers don’t just pour it out and use the bottle again.