There are plenty of Pokemon mods for other games on Nexus, as well as other mods that incorporate copywritten content.
I’m guessing they just got scared off after that guy got a dmca for making a Pokemon mod, even tho part of why they did was because they were paywalling it.
Haha, OK fine, how about “a particularly litigious bear, though not as litigious as Oracle, which is the world’s only known lawsuit-seeking jellyfish: a completely mindless creature that instinctively sues anything that touches its tentacles.”
Well no shit, it’s copyright infringement. That’s what DMCA Safe Harbour provisions are there for.
There are plenty of Pokemon mods for other games on Nexus, as well as other mods that incorporate copywritten content.
I’m guessing they just got scared off after that guy got a dmca for making a Pokemon mod, even tho part of why they did was because they were paywalling it.
This is currently a very high-profile game where the focus is being “gritty Pokemon,” so mods like that would be far more noticed.
Yeah, it’s hard to blame Nexus Mods for not wanting to poke the world’s most litigious bear.
Haha, OK fine, how about “a particularly litigious bear, though not as litigious as Oracle, which is the world’s only known lawsuit-seeking jellyfish: a completely mindless creature that instinctively sues anything that touches its tentacles.”
See org chart.
No, Disney