You know what the problem is? it’s that Youtube and more broadly speaking Google have completely squandered the benefit of the doubt.
All the shit about demonetizing channels for breaking ever shifting rules they haven’t published…no. If Youtube treated content creators well, I might consider it, but they don’t so I don’t.
Content creators are a dime a dozen to them. And it’s easy to see why. They’re running an advertising platform, not a nursery for budding filmmakers. We create the value for youtube, they reap the profits.
Yeah the way they treat the creators on their platform, the way they handle copyright claims, the way they handle flase copyright claims, the way their algorithm radicalized a populace, their child feed is unmanaged and feeds children exploited by the worst of content farms, and the fact that they have a monopoly over the online video market.
I understand the web has a problem with monetizing content and its killing things like journalism and a lot of the third party internet, but I will continue to not feel bad about the expenses that the billion dollar company has to spend on server costs.
@balderdash9 YouTube Premium is actually a great value if you’re like me and use YouTube Music as your main music app. It’s only a few dollars more than Spotify and I get ad free YouTube included.
I agree. I have the YouTube Premium Family Plan.
For me, the price for Spotify and YouTube Premium famil was really close, and getting ad free YouTube and downloads in app for the same price sold it
Plus, YouTube Music lets you add versions of songs on YouTube that aren’t official (at least it did).
So, yeah, the way they push insane ads is terrible, but I like the product
Your comment just reminded me that I’ve been paying for the family plan to include my father. The same guy that just kicked me out of the house I’d been paying him rent for.
Screw that guy. Enjoy your unskippable ads pops!
YouTube Music replacing Play Music is the main reason why Google can go fuck itself with YouTube Premium
Why is that a bad thing? Genuine question, not rhetorical.
That just means that you get more with your subscription (YouTube features as well) doesn’t it?
Because Play Music was a vastly superior product and they killed it to push people to pay for YouTube Premium.
@Kecessa I think YouTube Music is better 🤷♀️
Yeah I’ve been using the subscription since it was rolled into Google Music (RIP). Also use the family plan which helps with the value prop as well.
Yeah, but you get all of the crappy mp3 torrent rips that people uploaded as part of your music list that you pay for. Low quality music stream that costs money? No thanks!
What? YouTube music is professionally sourced music like any other major service. You can upload your own music for personal use, but included music comes from the publishers.
Where did you get that crazy idea?
I think anyone can upload to YouTube music, or at least it’s a lot easier than most platforms to get onto, so they have a point there.
There is a recommendation algorithm though, so if whatever you upload is terrible, it won’t go anywhere.
Music you upload to YouTube music is for your own personal playback. It doesn’t go to anyone else.
I mean it’s much easier for actual artists to self publish than other platforms.
People upload poor quality songs to YouTube. Look up “song name lyrics” for an example. Those songs get mixed in with all the official songs when you’re listening on YouTube. Plus their interface just kinda sucks.
This thread is about YouTube music, not YouTube. You can’t see other people’s uploads on YouTube music, it’s only from the labels.
Are you confusing YouTube and YouTube music? You do understand they’re separate services, right?
Uhh, what?
People upload poor quality songs to YouTube. Look up “song name lyrics” for an example. Those songs get mixed in with all the official songs when you’re listening on YouTube. Plus their interface just kinda sucks.
No, they don’t. There is a recommendation algorithm, and it doesn’t recommend low quality shite. Their algorithm is actually pretty good.
Good joke, having “algorithm” and “good” in the same sentence when talking about Google shit.
You’re kinda doing the meme right now.
That person thinks we’d be happier if we were all back to being serfs, I’m gonna ignore their takes on music recommendation algorithms lol
@Anticorp it has all the high quality uploads of other music services plus songs that are uploaded by users that aren’t available elsewhere, but go off.
But wait! When searching for your song you also get: 1) some girl in her basement playing a cover on piano, 2) some dude in his bedroom playing a cover on guitar, 3) some lonely divorcee’s ripped version where lyrics scroll across static images of sunsets, 4) some crappy handheld video taken from the back row of a shitty venue from 2009. What a bargain!
Are you confusing YouTube music with just listening to music on YouTube?
Or you just pick the top one which is the professionally licenced and released one…
“everyone”? Lmao
I know tonnes of people who pay for premium
I pay for the family plan. My parents and brother and such use it like mad.
Definitely worth it to me considering how many devices it runs on. Also, I can download gigs of videos and watch them on commutes or on a flight.
Also if you have Spotify you can just cancel that and use YouTube music instead.
Plus, in my experience, YouTube Music has a MUCH broader selection than $potify.
It’s something I happily pay for. My family and I use it everyday.
Yup, OP is out of touch
YouTube: okay that’s cool. How about now? Wanna try YouTube premium?
You: NO
YouTube: okay that’s cool. How about now?
No idea what you‘re talking about. Ad block takes care of that. Even works on apple. Havent seen an ad in years.
Revanced doesn’t block them. I get them maybe once a week
I also get them occasionally despite having “Hide Youtube Premium promotion” enabled in Revanced:Extended. I haven’t updated in a long time however, so it might be fixed in later versions
I use my iPhone mostly for music like 95% how do you use an ad block
Go to safari settings and check for extensions I think. Then choose one and install it. Done.
Ah I’m on the Firefox app, so I could just make a home screen safari shortcut
Yes. Sadly the other browsers didnt have that when I installed the safari extension.
I know this won’t be the most popular opinion, but honestly if they hadn’t raised the price and I had the money, I probably would have YouTube premium. This is only because YouTube happens to be my main source of video entertainment, informational content, etc. and I also use YouTube music for all my music (though I highly recommend the app InnerTune to anyone that wants to be able to turn their phone off while listening to music etc.) Now that the price is so much higher, it’s not even close to worth it, but if it was… I don’t know, 5 bucks a month? Sure, I’ll pay it. Ofc if much rather pay like 50 bucks for a lifetime subscription, but god knows they’re never doing that.
I had it and cancelled after they raised the price. You’re google, you don’t need more of my money.
It’s about $5 a month if you have a family plan with every slot filled. Works out GREAT if you have that many people willing to pay in
Do they have the IP location BS others have to crackdown on geo location?
If my kids want to use it at school or grandma’s is different than using it at home?
Or are we all geofenced to my address?On my family plan, one lives 100 miles away and another lives in a different state
Thanks for the Intel kind stranger
I too have the family plan, it’s six accounts anywhere. I got moved from Play Music, don’t really watch videos but husband and kids do.
I already had adblock before the whole stupid adblock block. I support the creators I watch, can listen to videos with the screen off, and I also use YT Music, so its a good deal for me.
I can however understand anyone who doesnt want to pay for YT Premium and doesnt want to be blasted by scam ads. Ads shouldnt be this annoying.
Just want to mention that if you’re affected by the anti-adblock, use µBlock Origin. It’s usually updated about as fast as the anti-adblock is.
I already do that, I also have adguard blocking ads on my whole network.
I totally agree. I feel that the services I get for my membership fee are adequate. It is not problem for me to pay for a decent service. The day they inject ads into a paid account is the day I leave, however.
I pay for premium because I don’t have a real PC. Heresy, I know. When I watch YouTube on my PS5 app I can’t use an adblocker. There’s solutions, sure, but I’ve gotten rid of almost every other sub service BUT YouTube prem at this point.
I guess I’m saying all of this because I feel guilty about paying for YouTube fucking premium lmao
Don’t feel guilty. If it works for you, that’s all that matters. I’ve been a Premium customer for a few years now just because I think the provided services and lack of ads are worth it. Nothing wrong with paying for services you enjoy.
Ehh, I have it too and I don’t mind paying. But, I’m still paying $7.99 a month since I was an early adopter of Google music, R.I.P…
This is the way.
I’ve been paying since the early GPM days and at this point, everything else is more expensive. It just makes financial sense to keep YT Premium.
To me it is the opposite.
I will never use a network device to browse the internet if it doesn’t have a proper adblocker.
Don’t feel guilthy though
I wouldn’t feel guilty. A lot of the content creators make some really great stuff that takes a lot of their own time and resources, why shouldn’t they get paid for that?
Here’s a trick, don’t let YT know: if you close the video as soon as an ad loads, there will be no ads when you open it again.
I don’t think you should feel guilty if you use it. I’m at a point where i have more enjoyment in finding youtube adblock loopholes than using youtube itself. I don’t have a console but i’d love to find a good adblock/sponsorblock that works on a ps 5
This was a good one too!
Missing an option to “Delete account”
Any reason you’re not using Ublock?
Or revanced on mobile
Or Invidious instances
or smarttube on android tv
Ublock Origin
Ublock is a totall unrelated extension.
I have YouTube Premium, and I use it since I watch YouTube on my Xbox. Can’t use Ublock Origin on Xbox.
YouTube had me as a paying subscriber until they fucked it all up. Great job assholes.
Content creators get 55% of the value of YouTube Premium. That’s one of the major reasons I got it. I only wish it could remove sponsored fragments (fuck these) from videos, but I use SponsorBlock for that.
Best deal is YT premium family, I have 5 or 6 people on it with no commercials on YT and YT music which is great for our use cases as well. Yes it’s like $25 a month, but everyone that uses it loves it!
I consume a lot of YT, for “How it’s made” and project shows there really isn’t anything remotely comparable. No ads and FF through sponsored content is awesome.
Best deal is running an invidious server.
Literally entire youtube, free without ads, no account to do tracking, easy download button and best of all straightforward home page that can list uploads from subscriptions.
Honestly if this suits your family keep it. But youtube exploiting its creators for admoney cannot be the best deal.
I believe someone else mentioned 55% of premium revenue goes to creators. That is a fairly significant share, plus the cost of hosting content and maintaining the appliances etc etc. It seems reasonable to me for less than $5 per person per month.
If you have a favorite creator, donate to their patreon. Patreon takes far less of a cut and you get perks.
I’m on it and do have a sub, but it’s for someone unrelated to YT content. If I find a channel I can’t live without I’ll consider it but I have super ADD taste on subject matter.
Its more then i thought but it gets split between creators you watch and its pretty vague on how that is devided, per view, based on time watched? With so many crap suggested and auto play id love to see some stats, many creators i enjoy switched to unmonitized and patriot support long before premium was a thing.
I get that hosting content costs money but that doesn’t stop systems like torrentio to provide entirely free streams of literally any show in multiple variations of 4k resolution.
It doesn’t have to be this way and the creators deserve much more.
But i too have a family, i understand the value in plug an play convenience, i can definitely see how its worth it you. If it works, and is affordable don’t change it.
But for everyone else who may be tempted, there are great alternatives to watch and support alternatives without paying the techdragons toll.
I agree and have the same. It’s worth it with the family plan.
I would have been a begrudging subscriber if they hadn’t removed the dislike count and forced ads on unmonetized creators and took all the money from those ads. But because they did that, I got a subscription to Nebula instead.
Do you realise how ridiculously expensive it is for Google to store all these videos? To be honest I’m surprised how long they’ve survived, without charging.
You essentially get unlimited free video storage using YouTube, yes I suspect 90% of it is crap. But it’s amazing that Google still offer that. Running YouTube must be significantly more expensive than any other similar services like Netflix, YouTube, Instagram etc.
Well, guess what. Poor Google knew and should’ve thought about that before buying YouTube. Nobody forced them to.
Google can cry me a fucking river over their costs.
They’ve been profitable since 2015. I’m fine with some ads on the videos, they need to make money somehow, and I really like how they do give YouTubers a majority of the revenue.
However, many of their recent-ish decisions are incredibly greedy and disgusting, like what I mentioned previously, and the retroactive taking away your revenue if the system flags your video as demonetized after it already made some revenue.
Plus, instead of adding useful features for viewers and creators, they spend that money on fEaTuReD cOnTeNt and oH lOoK wE cHaNgEd ThE uI (read: We pointlessly moved stuff around, removed features, and made the experience take 1.5x as much resources as before)
If they successfully stop Adblocking I’m going all in on Odyssee and Peertube. I’ve been slowly migrating already anyway
I’m too weak for that, but you could perhaps try Grayjay out. According to the boomers it’s kinda like AOL. It works pretty alright, it gives me vids from yt, odysee, rumble, twitch, peertube etc. Pretty pog to say the least.
Never heard of it, thank you for the suggestion I’ll check it out
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