We're in an obesity epidemic and most people don't know how to cook even very basic meals.

Make space for it, squish other classes if you need. Make it mandatory, everyone has to take it. Maybe even ongoing through multiple grades.

Edit: Rice, beans, and even basic meats are cheap. To eat healthy you don't need your meal to be 100% Bell peppers and tomatoes.

  • AA5B@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    There’s nothing wrong with appropriate use of credit cards … Ideally. I think most people avoid them because they fear making poor choices. They know they’re fallible. They know there are huge industries based on extracting money from the unwary. Paying cash balances that out with a very simple control.

    It’s similar to eating a reasonable amount for many people. On the surface it’s calories in vs calories consumed, but in reality it’s all about human nature. I buy soda in cans, despite the cost and environmental impact, because it’s easier to tell myself to only have one per day than it is to stop at 12 Oz. This is the whole reason for “100 calorie packs”, to help people limit themselves to “one serving”