I really, really don’t understand why people use Chrome, or have been using it in the past
I used it for years and just recently switched to Firefox. I was just comfortable using it, and knew how to use the dev tools. I had my extensions set up how I liked. I’m still missing a few things on Firefox but fuck chrome.
What things are you missing?
I keep people saying they’re missing things from chrome. I honestly don’t get it, if anything I’ve had more usable features since switching back to FF
If you find anything similar to the Toby extension please let me know. I haven’t been able to find anything close on Firefox.
For a similar project that is open source, check out https://josh-berry.github.io/tab-stash/
I expect you have tried to search for it in Firefox, but have you tried sideloading it somehow?
As far as I know Firefox supports a superset of the APIs that Chrome support, so it should be a possible?
While there might not be an addon that perfectly emulates every feature of Toby on Firefox, I am fully confident you can achieve all of its features with settings, config/userchrome edits, or some of the addons that are available. Personally I use Tab Session Manager and Tab Center Reborn (heavily edited though), so you might look into those and see if they have features you like.
I miss typing “you”, pressing tab and having the search bar change to YouTube search. And there’s lots of websites that supported that in chrome.
You can do that in firefox. Add the search engine, go to settings > search and add a keyword in the list
Basically every single “missing feature” I’ve seen people complain about exists on FF, they’re just too lazy to actually check
I use duckduckgo and they have bangs. Put !yt at the start of your search and it’ll automatically search youtube, !g for google, !a for Amazon, etc… Loads of bangs for basically every service out there.
I had an extension called Toby that opened a new tab and had an awesome page to organize bookmarks and open tabs. I can’t remember what I’m using on Firefox right now as I’m not at the computer, but it’s probably the most popular bookmark organizer. IMO Toby is just way ahead of anything I’ve found on Firefox.
Doesn’t FF have a builtin tool for that?
I’ll have to look into it, but that would be awesome!
Toby is on firefox. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/toby-for-tabs/
It’s really easy to forget that back in the day (by which I mean what, 2010? Idk) chrome was super speedy and very cool with cool fast looking angular tabs and Google was a nice new cool internet company who’s moto was don’t be evil and the alternative was fucking internet explorer which was a cinder block in a blue shirt or Firefox which had a cool logo but was rather slow and the joke was that internet explorer’s whole purpose was to download chrome and I guess what I’m saying is that Google has lived long enough to see itself become the villain, or at least Comcast which is pretty much the same thing and tbh the only other time I can think of that something like this has actually happened is in 1998, when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table
You dropped these:
Oh shit thanks I’ve got a hole in me pocket and they keep falling out 🕳️
Goddamn it not on lemmy too
It was faster than Firefox and more accurate than Internet Explorer.
That was a decade ago. Since id say Firefox and Chrome are the same speed and Edge is just branded Chrome.
Chrome used to be new and exciting when Google was still a “do no evil” hip tech company doing neat shit like Google Earth and stuff.
I use chrome for work because it’s installed on every computer we have and the machines are locked down so I can’t install firefox if I wanted to. I move around between stations all the time so logging in and having all my bookmarks, passwords, history, etc… synced is convenient. I use firefox at home but most people just stick with what’s familiar to them. It’s a solid browser feature-wise and that’s what most people care about.
Chrome is the only way I’ve figured out to cast video from my pc to my TV.
Casting is the only thing I use chrome for.
AFAIK you can use Airplay on FF or some equivalent
I’ll look into it, thank you for the suggestion.
Some industry tools are not developed with mutli browser in mind (don’t ask me why…)
Because the majority of people only know safari, edge, and chrome exist.
Because it’s the most popular browser
So it’s the most popular browser because it’s the most popular browser. Got it.
There was a stretch of time where it was legitimately the best popular browser for the vast majority of people. Then it just became the default, and nobody bothered to switch back once it started going to shit
Yeah and I think there was a time before Quantum where Firefox was drastically slower than chrome, and a lot of people switched.
I started using chrome because firefox was slower
“It’s the fastest!”
This is the most common reason I’ve heard.
The last time I tried Firefox on a touch device the pitch to zoom function was basically useless. It was nothing but an equivalent to [Ctrl] + [+]. This was some years ago, so it could be better now.
You can enable normal zoom in config. But on my Linux setup pinch would either toggle Ctrl++ or image-like zoom.
Because Firefox crashes my OS, for some odd reason.
Unless it’s a RAM filling issue, because you would have too little RAM, and even then, the entire OS crashing and not just Firefox would be very unlikely, I don’t see any reason for it to crash your entire OS. Regardless, there are Firefox forks that use much much less RAM. You’re using Windows, Mac or Linux first? Try to uninstall, clean everything and reinstall with a new profile, it may work, who knows. If not, then it has to be your OS.
I don’t think it’s a RAM issue, unless Firefox eats 16GB of RAM. I mainly use Pop!_OS, a *nix distro, so maybe I messed up some package install that conflicts with Firefox in some way, but I haven’t figured out which one.
Pop!OS is a pretty stable distro, so there shouldn’t be any dependencies problem: you usually have that on arch or arch based distros, even if it’s quite rare. Have you ever uninstalled Firefox and reinstalled it but without some of its dependencies? Or ignored a package it asked you to install with it afterwards? If not, maybe it’s just an update that went wrong, like the PC shut down during an update or something. So update your system, uninstall firefox and reinstall. Your data stored in your home directory (in .mozilla, a hidden folder) like your history, extensions, opened tabs, should be conserved, even if you use apt purge.
Even firefox developer edition?
you will buy the useless crap. You will work extra hours to afford it.
I’ve noticed that the average listed salaries on Indeed have gone down about 30% in the last 2 years, which is great because prices of damn near everything have gone up at least as much.
well how else will the billionaires buy their thirtieth yacht with a docking spot for a smaller yacht?
I have already quit reddit, I can live without youtube.
Do Out have time to talk about our lord and savior LibreTube?
LBRY/Peertube master race
The amount of stuff I watched on YouTube was 0.
Honestly it’s about time the internet grows up a bit and stops relying on horrible video tutorials.
Fun fact: people use YouTube for things other than tutorials
Why would we not use one of the most convienent ways to teach yourself skills? Thats incredibly backwards
I’m sorry - video tutorials are so much easier for me to learn from than reading. I am 40 and have a disability. It’s far easier for me to comprehend a video than reading - and since I can’t have someone come to my home and teach or show me all the things I want to learn how to do - I watch videos.
I think the issue is corporate greed - not people wanting to watch cat videos and learn how to unclog a sink or watch someone cook something.
For certain specific use cases a video tutorial can be incredibly useful… like replacing specific parts on appliances or cars after diagnosing the problem.
Much of the content there is just noise to me too but there’s definitely some shit I find valuable.
My future browser will be a terminal prompt
You can use Lynx. Here is the google homepage:
Nice. but Unfortunately WEI will detect the header of the request and block site access even with a terminal browser. The end is near.
That’s when we fork the protocol to remove the garbage.
Arr me hearties.
Changing request headers is a trivial thing.
Spoof the header?
WEI will request a authentication token that will be provided by a third part software like Play Store in Android to certificate that your request is made by you a human and not by a bot so technically spoof the header agent will not be effective. Dark times awaits us my friend. Other problem is how deep embedded in the system this trust agent that provides these tokens will be. It may be embedded in kernel like Easy Anti Cheat for example and this will make the things even worse because they can classify many devices like " not approved " just by not meet software or hardware requirements
Compile a kernel?
It’s no so simple, man. The vast majority of users don’t have the skills to do this and I think even if you compile the kernel of your personalized system it will not circumvent WEI and it will brake some functionality somehow
Develop an API which spoofs authorization authentication tokens? Like man in the middle?
Browsh is pretty cool for a text-based browser.
that’s pretty cool!
Seriously just use Firefox for your browser and Revanced on mobile for youtube
I WON’T use FF and I DON’T use youtube. Like, at all.
why not?
Except for basically made-up edge cases and google integration (which you shouldnt use in the first place. Install a password manager), i havent seen anyone make a good case against Firefox. Googles anti-adblocking measures have made Chrome less safe and their current attempts to “DRM” the web points is absolutely devastating. If you use the Fediverse, its sensible to assume you care about a freer web. Google is working towards the exact opposite.
yeah, google is trying to wall off the web with only theirs or authorized browsers and systems having access to it. Also I made the mistake and looked at the commentor’s history and… god damn is it full of shit and contradictions. Complaining about Firefox’s CEO having a huge salary while they are defending the CEO of brave, a chromium browser with some web3 shit preinstalled. I don’t get people.
Legit curious why you won’t use Firefox. As a longtime FF user I’m well aware that Mozilla has made plenty of stupid decisions, but how does that make Google a better choice?
To me, Mozilla and Google are the same shit. I hate them both. Mozilla is just smaller, but much more hypocritical. They haven’t shipped anything of value since years. So, I’ll put my small grain of sand to make them disappear not only refusing to use FF (after having been using a d advocating for it from 2002 to 2021) but also actively discouraging people from using it. Every FF user lost is a nail in the coffin of Mozilla and its stupid community and that’s a good thing.
I’m not interested in engaging in a discussion on my personal choices, so I won’t reply further. Bye.
I would not be surprised if regular people tolerated 5+ minute ad breaks for a short video. Too much bs has been normalized for that to be much of a surprise anymore.
Like a frog slowly heating in a pot of water, you can get used to just about anything if you’re apathetic enough.
I’ll torrent YT videos before I watch ads.
Looks like Black Mirror was not only prediction
tehe nevah. think I sent some money and got this poster. name is on there somewhere
I never stopped using Firefox, and I never had a problem with anything but Government sites.
That’s weird, usually government websites will work in old IE version without any issue.
Exactly. Usually gov sites are optimised for i.e 8, because accessibility is critical.
You can’t just expect people have a super up to date browser.
This is the mentality where I live anyway.
I think it’s a Java thing?
I hate google but can you stop posting the same shitty memes in different formats
Nice try google employee!
my man literally the first four posts I see are just complaining about google adblock, and I keep seeing it over time yes we get it you don’t like ads and google is adding adblock. move to firefox/ublock (or no ublock if you want to support the content creators) and let it go imo, there aren’t even that many ads on youtube, I barely notice them normally cuz theres only one every 3 videos or so and it’s like 5 seconds long for a 20 min video (if there are more ads inside a video I’m pretty sure that usually means the creator put them there, not youtube)
Removed by mod
Not what I’m saying I hate chrome too, I just get tired of seeing essentially the same post over and over
Get piped
How many verification cans have you had to drink today sir?
OK, move along. It’s an old reference, but it’s built on solid greentext.
Those greedy bastards push people to watch ads like they expect their companies’ income will grow infinitely