Link is a 1h42m video interview between Louis Rossmann, FUTO and Immich developers with a introduction to Immich by Louis.

Immich is an open source self-hosted in-development tool to manage image libraries from a central server, and sync/distribute them across your devices, as an alternative to Google Photos. Also see:

The important news here is that FUTO has funded full time development on Immich for 3 years.

  • Diplomjodler
    231 month ago

    I read the FUTO website. But it doesn’t say where they get their funding from. Any insight on that?

    61 month ago

    Always good to hear such news.

    Maybe here somebody can help me with a related question: I’m so far just using nextcloud to have my photos somewhere safe but wanted to move to another solution for a while. So far I have only really looked into photoprism, but some problems prevented me to change.

    So my first question is: can somebody sum up a comparison between immich and photoprism?

    And second is the same just focused on my prior problems: I have a lot of very old (scanned) photos which are hardly sorted, duplicated and so on. Further I have an album of rather decent photos (my own wedding) in which the photographer didn’t include any exif data which is relevant for me (particularly coordinates and creation date, without that they are just completely unsorted on the database). In photoprism I did not find a good way to fix those meta data in bulk and need to do it before I import them, so if I miss something I need to delete them from photoprism and start over (which is also struggling). Is this solved better?

    In general I would love if such a tool had some kind of import staging. So my phone uploads the photos and they are safely backed up, but I need to approve them to be included in the overall library. This feature I would like because I often make photos of things I don’t need more then ten minutes.

    Best wishes

      21 month ago

      Photoprism is straight trash next to Immich. Not to mention the required fee just to upload photos to YOUR cloud…

    • RentlarOP
      11 month ago

      I hope someone can help you with this. Maybe you need to make a post disguised as a tutorial, setting it up incorrectly and have someone correct you :P

  • Brayd
    51 month ago

    I love Immich and we used it for a long time but we eventually switched to Ente Photos simply because Immich’s upload on iOS isn’t really working and it took hours for some members in my family to sync 200 pictures that are being synced within a few minutes on Android. That was frustrating.

    With Ente Photos that’s working fine so we decided to make the switch.

      • Brayd
        41 month ago

        You can self host Ente. That’s what I’m doing. Basically 40 TB currently on my own server for me and my family for free (besides hardware, time and of course electricity).

    • RentlarOP
      11 month ago

      Yeah. Hopefully this grant can give Immich the TLC it needs to address its current shortcomings.

      • Brayd
        11 month ago

        Agree. At least they already know about this and told they want to address it in the future.

      21 month ago

      I’d love better import and duplicate detection features. I might even wait to see what comes of this before I import the bulk of my library. I’ve already invested my Google Photos and my phone but the majority of that can be replaced by higher quality photos in my iPhoto library.

  • qaz
    11 month ago

    Does anyone happen to know how this compares to Photoprism?

      121 month ago

      If this is a serious comment, a lot.

      Immich is server based with a webUI, multi user support, has automatic backup from your devices, with face tagging and object tagging.

          41 month ago

          Yeah, shotwell looks good if you’re a single user and already have all your images stored locally, although if you wanted face tagging DigiKam is also a local only photo management app that does some more advanced stuff.

          • @delirious_owl
            11 month ago

            Yeah that’s definitely something I don’t want

      1 month ago

      Is it the best or is it just the one you use? Have you used both? Recently? Immich has changed a lot in the past year or two.

      IMO just the fact that it’s a NextCloud thing kinda sucks

      121 month ago

      Having used both, immich wins by a landslide. I was initially waiting until it got to a stable release, but it’s already so much better. I’d recommend anyone to just use immich.

    • RentlarOP
      61 month ago

      Louis discusses his experience with Nextcloud in the first portion of the video.

      For him, Nextcloud’s gallery app runs much slower than Immich. The Nextcloud app only supports proxy image previews but no proxy video previews, which Immich does.

      51 month ago

      I don’t think some readers liked this comment. Care to elaborate on how you think memories is better than immich?

        01 month ago

        I already had nextcloud, never used immach. But I installed memories a few minutes ago, and it seems fast enough. The android app actually works. Truth be told I might still try immach at some point but installing memories was easy to get started with since i already have nextcloud. seems to build on the main in photos app so I’m not too worried about it being a 3rd party addon.

          11 month ago

          Cool. Don’t know if you replied to the wrong person but this context might be better suited to be a parent comment.

          The person I replied to made a claim and I wanted them to back it up. Since you haven’t even tried “immich”, with an I, I’m not sure what you hoped to get out of this interaction.

            01 month ago

            Good point maybe where I should start is why I never moved to immich in the first place. I have a digital camera as well as a phone, somr photos I process on my workstation. It has the nextcloud app syncing images so I can update files easily using photo editing programs on my workstation. This setup works well for me. I don’t really want to move away from nextcloud if I don’t need to.

            Moving to immich looks like I either change my existing process or I use and external album since there is no nextcloud adapter.

            The external album setup looked like more work and since I already have nextcloud making it work slightly better for storing photos is a more appealing solution for the time being

      1 month ago

      Nextcloud is so slow though, I just wish they would fix the performance of it. Taking 2+ seconds to load a file browser is crazy.

      NC has also had some major data loss/corruption bugs I’ve been hit with, I switched away from it because I was tired of the bugs.

      31 month ago

      It actually looks great. I’m surprised to see that to be honest. But I use next cloud only as an alternative to Google drive. I find most of the times I can’t make apps work and risk breaking my next cloud installation. But if it works for you, awesome 👍