Back in school I heard the story that Haydn wrote the “Surprise Symphony” because he was sick of people sleeping through his music, and wanted to startle them awake. It seems like this was a myth.

From the Wikipedia article:

In Haydn’s old age, his biographer Georg August Griesinger asked him whether he wrote this “surprise” to awaken the audience. Haydn replied:

No, but I was interested in surprising the public with something new…

Why do all the cool stories from history end up being made up?

  • HurkieDrubman
    25 days ago

    it is, however, the reason Emeril Lagasse yells BAM!

    apparently he used to be a culinary teacher and he would do it to wake people up.

  • Hildegarde
    138 days ago

    But symphony 45 really was written to resolve a labor dispute. That is true.

  • BougieBirdie
    108 days ago

    Aw man, in the tenth grade we had to do a music recital and this was the song I chose. Specifically because I knew thirty kids would have to play some music whether they were interested in the course or not, and I thought the whole sleepy thing was a funny bit.

    All the cool stories really are made up :(

    • southsamurai
      78 days ago

      Hey man, you remember that time we went to vegas and had that shootout with some mob goons, banged fifteen hookers, and rescued dogs from a fighting ring?

      Great weekend! We gotta do it again sometime