• Refurbished Refurbisher
      2 months ago

      Every election is the most important election of our lifetimes, since the right keeps becoming more fascist. No shit, it’s exhausting.

      • worldwidewave
        182 months ago

        In the most recent 538 poll, Robinson is up by 4 points, and this was taken before the debate, which means the gap may’ve widened.

        If you’re in NC, or have family/friends there, please tell them to vote and not for this loon

    • @SirDerpy@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Don’t worry. I voted for not Trump. I’m sure that’ll take care of everything. We’ll wait for a more convenient time and means to begin meaningful change. Trust us. We moderates have been at it for forty years.

      • @hypnoton
        2 months ago

        “First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a ‘more convenient season.’

        – Martin Luther King Jr.

        (emphasis mine)

          • @hypnoton
            82 months ago

            I’m not dying yet, but I like your offer. :)

            We should keep brainstorming. I wish I could ‘friend’ people on lemmy while using an app (I use “Voyager”). Just thinking out loud here.

      • @Freefall@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        That is a stupid take, but it does leave me curious. I can see where your chain of logic lies (let’s all vote for Bernie and solve all the problems tomorrow), but the disconnect from idilic fantasy and reality seems to have you hung up a bit. While the tongue-in-cheek Bernie comment would be kinda neat to bring about, you can not realistically shift an entire voting base overnight. You, and others on here are more in tuned to the political goings on than a horrific percent of the actual voting population. I talk politics more than anyone is comfortable with (it IS that important…sorry folks), and I very consistently come across people that don’t know what left and right is, don’t know what conservative and liberal is, don’t know which of the latter is described by the former, don’t know the difference between economic policy and social or political policy. So we come back to your take. Yeah, shit has to change, but we have a slim chance of getting systems in place to cause real change under one guy and authoritarian endgame under the other. THIS election’s loss carries unacceptable loss conditions. When we are voting between a Clinton and a Bush, then push your agenda because the loss conditions there is just having someone disagreeable in power maintaining THEIR version of the status quo…not ideal, but much safer. Convincing fence-sitters that lean blue (the kind that would care about the genocide happening) to not vote or to vote 3rd party gives the guy that will make everything worse a better chance. Ultimately if you don’t vote for one of the two people our current system allows, you are casting a vote for whoever happens to win, mathematically.

        Your idea is a Prisoner’s Dilemma, and in the real world, we absolutely can not trust that the other 80million prisoners will all play their part. Sorry.

        • @SirDerpy@lemmy.world
          -32 months ago

          That is a stupid take

          Take it up with MLK.

          I can see where your chain of logic lies

          Incredible feat considering you didn’t ask me shit.

          I assumed the rest continued in ignorance and bad faith.

          • @Freefall@lemmy.world
            22 months ago

            MLK is dead so I cant. seeing logic has nothing to do with asking things.

            Probably best you avoided the rest, you clearly have a fear of leaving your little silo.

        • @Tyfud@lemmy.world
          102 months ago

          They’re intentionally trying to get people to not vote. They’re not like your and me, they’re a bad actor. Don’t feed them.

        • @SirDerpy@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          I’ll wait out in the field, massa. Please let me know when it’s convenient for you that I fight for my freedom, massa. Thank you for voting Biden, massa. He’ll make everything right for us slaves.

  • @TheReturnOfPEB@reddthat.com
    692 months ago

    As a leftist I’m about done listening to constant bloody threats from MAGA people.

    If MAGA are going to say “If leftist don’t get in the way there will be no blood” then I’m here to say that there will be blood.

  • @xenomor@lemmy.world
    482 months ago

    I’d love to confront an otherwise normal, conventionally Republican voter who is planning to vote for this shit. I’m sure some of my coworkers or neighbors or acquaintances fall into this category. However, I see no outward projection about their support of this garbage. I assume that they must be ashamed to advertise what garbage views they have or at the very least have no confidence that they could defend such positions when confronted. Again, I’m just assuming their presence in my immediate social vicinity given all the polling. I of course can see the nut job on the corner with adrenachrome signs, but that asshole isn’t representative of most Republicans. Fucking cowards, the lot of them. Ignorant, self-hating cowards.

  • ericatty
    382 months ago

    Ugh, saw the headline and knew it was my state. Our current Dem Gov is term limited. This Robinson asshat is so very embarrassing and scary like a drunk bear with brain damage.

    NC is so gerrymandered we are painted red, but I think Gov is based on popular vote so there is still some hope for Stein for next Gov and Jackson for next AG.

    Also, Cotham can suck it for getting voted in as a Democrat then switching parties within months in a very very blue district. She ran on protecting abortion rights then voted to ban it after joining the Republican party.

    We are potentially very very up a nasty creek without paddles here, even in the blue places.

  • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
    92 months ago

    Someone needs to take him aside and politely explain that calling for violence is not going to work out the way he thinks it will work out.

    • @Klear@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      It might work out the way he things it will though - namely with him being elected. Doubt he cares beyond that.

  • @Freefall@lemmy.world
    62 months ago

    Neat, let’s do a comparison. Does anyone have a list of Homosexual pedophiles, religious pedophiles, and politician pedophiles? I am super curious how INCONCEIVABLY different those graphs are. I couldn’t even venture a guess on what the outcome could even look like! /s

    • @Bremmy@lemmy.ml
      342 months ago

      No, the libs aren’t silent and have acknowledged their disdain. Also different situation

      Let’s try to stay on topic though. Is that difficult for you? Maybe we should bring up how Trump wanted internment camps and discussed this with Xi, or Trump wanting to use the army to shoot protestors? No?

              • @duderium2@lemmy.world
                -92 months ago

                To not vote for either nazi. You probably don’t live in a swing state so your vote doesn’t matter anyway, all thanks to the amazing electoral college that the democrats never even mention abolishing despite losing the 2000 and 2016 presidential elections because of it.

                • @Omega_Man@lemmy.world
                  112 months ago

                  That not a plan. It really easy to criticize from the outside instead of doing anything. You’re doing less than anything.

        • @jeffw@lemmy.worldOP
          102 months ago

          Just because something is shitty doesn’t mean you should compare it to the shittiest extreme example you can think of. There are degrees of shitty.

            • That’s because you’re oblivious. Everyone in prison in America had a right to counsel, a fair trial, to face accusers, to cross examine witnesses and evidence, to have disputed facts decided by a jury of peers, a presumption of innocence, freedom from self incrimination, spousal privilege, oh and habeas corpus.

              To name a few.

              • @duderium2@lemmy.world
                -32 months ago

                Imagine thinking that a billionaire and a homeless person are treated equally under amerikkkan law. Amazingly, profoundly racist of you to believe this when the pigs murder three people every day here. How many of them are rich?

                • Yes, the pigs murder people sometimes.

                  And obviously that’s the same as forced relocations to industrialized murder camps with zero due process, you absolute donkey.

    • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
      62 months ago

      Biden is not pulling the trigger or ordering any Israeli troops to pull the trigger. What is going on there is completely outside his control.

      • @duderium2@lemmy.world
        -22 months ago

        Why does Israeli leadership keep saying that the war ends the instant amerikkka stops shipping them weapons?

          • @duderium2@lemmy.world
            -12 months ago

            Ending U.S. military aid today “would send a message to all of Israel’s enemies that Israel’s greatest friend was stepping away, so they should double down on their plans for more, and more deadly, assaults on the Jewish state,” wrote CFR Senior Fellow Elliott Abrams in September 2023.

            — your source (Abrams is also a convicted war criminal and Trump/Biden appointee)

            These constraints explain why, in January 2023, the administration asked Israel to transfer 300,000 artillery shells from American stockpiles located in Israel to Ukraine. Of course, Israel herself now needs those stocks. Not to mention Tamir interceptors for Iron Dome, which are also manufactured in small quantities in the US, bombs, and spare parts for aircraft, tank shells, and so on. One does not need a security clearance to conclude that Israel’s military dependence on the United States is nearly absolute.


    • @Freefall@lemmy.world
      42 months ago

      I thought bots were better more advanced…what kind of blinders do you use to think liberals are silent? The loudest , most passionate, and least in touch with reality are very actively trying to lose the election to show how much they don’t like genocide. It’s everywhere.