Yea, I agree it’s not worth it…
Yea, I agree it’s not worth it…
Technically you can also start it on demand, you just need to reboot before and after 😅
I think some people have issues with Nvidia cards, but I don’t have one and haven’t had any issues.
I was able to set different scales for laptop screen and monitor after enabling Wayland and these settings stay the same.
To do that you need to:
in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf
I think usually the way to go is the other way around; you find something interesting you want to do and look up how to do that. In the process you will most likely find answers that include tools that come with kali.
If you need some ideas maybe TryHackMe (more beginner friendly) or HackTheBox (kinda expects you to know what you are looking for) are good places to start. There’s also tons of write-ups and videos about both of those should you get stuck at any place for too long.
Have fun!
I regret paying once for this, you wanna do twice? :D
I'm not really in the know myself, but I've recently seen EndeavourOS recommend over PopOS due to faster driver updates.
Richtig, danke. Berichtigt!
Ich glaube das ist ehr ein gesellschaftliches, als ein evolutionäres Ding. Habe jetzt keine Quelle zur Hand aber afaik sind sind Anthropologen recht einig, dass das in "Jäger-Sammler-Gesellschaften" kein großer Faktor war, da die Kindererziehung gemeinschaftlicher war.
Edit: typo
Let me free you poor souls:
They tried that once with drugs, but didn’t like the results…
Was wäre deiner Meinung nach eine gute Lösung dafür?
Das gleiche kann man auch von Alkohol sagen.
Americans when their ice doesn’t contain…
That’s a fair point, I haven’t thought about it like that.
Worker productivity ≠ value workers add to economy.
Worker productivity can also go up by providing better production facilities, ie. investing in productive capital, such as modern machinery, robotics, etc. This has obviously also happened; a worker with a huge specialized production machine can produce as much as a 100 could without.
This is not so say that workers shouldn’t join unions or that workers shouldn’t recieve a bigger/fairer part of the profit - they should. I just think we shouldn’t mislead with stats like that…
*concurrent :D