Calendax is a way to merge your Future Log and Monthly spread together, and make something new. Like everything bullet journal, there are some variations of Calendax too. But this is a good place to start.

  • jgrimA
    2 years ago

    Just looking at Calendex makes me say nope haha. I’m keeping it simple to start. I have trouble starting new habits. I either overcomplicate them then lose interest from exhaustion or I forget to do it once and break the habit and never restart it. I like how simple and messy the base theory is. It allows for scribbles and forgotten days. I’m hoping it helps keep me motivated.

    • dresdenOPM
      2 years ago

      Yeah, there was a video by someone, who has apparently made some documentaries, that gave bullet journal a try for 30 days. He over-complicated it by not following the basics but going for stylish spreads he watched on YouTube, and this exhausted him, instead of making things easier. For instance, it took him 4 hours to set up first month, and then 2 hours to set up seconds one. He eventually realised this is too much, and gave up.

      And yeah, I love how simple it is. It doesn’t matter if you miss a day, a week, or a month, just turn to next empty page, and start writing.