What are your guys’ favorite PSP games and why? We’ve all seen the Top 10 lists and those games are amazing, but are there any gems that specifically called out to you that didn’t get much coverage? How did they make you feel and did you have any fond memories of playing the PSP when you were younger?

I dug out my old soft modded PSP GO (not pictured) from a drawer at my parent’s house and immediately went on a definitely legal buying and installing spree and think I have a pretty good library of games, but wanted to kind of compare notes.

  • BlackCoffee
    1 year ago
    • FF7 Crisis core is my favorite game ever. The gameplay, story, voice acting and music are all top notch.

    • DEF Jam Fight for NY is another PSP favorite for me. I really liked the combat and customization options for your character. It was just an enormous fun game.

    • Daxter was the first PSP game I played and it was also just an really fun and good game.

    • Dissidia Final Fantasy is als just a really good game with an amazing combat system.

    • The naruto games were really good. I think it was the ultimate ninja heroes games that had this interesting gameplay and also a story mechanic with an floor system that you had to climb and play through.

    • Bleach heat the soul series are fun fighting games. I think not all of them were released in the west but I recommend them because the gameplay was super fun.